String utils for PHP.
composer require litgroup/str:^0.2.1
There is the class Str
, which contains collection of methods for string
manipulation. This methods use mb_string
internally, but you should'n
be worried of encoding. Str
methods always work with the UTF-8 encoding.
use LitGroup\Str\Str;
Str::length('hello'); // => 5
Str::isEmpty('hello'); // => false
Str::isNotEmpty('hello'); // => true
Str::trim(' hello '); // => 'hello'
// ...
Check the code to see all methods.
From time to time you need to check that a string matches to the pattern.
For this purpose, this library provides the Pattern
is one implementation of Pattern
, which represents Perl-Compatible
Regular Expressions (PCRE).
use LitGroup\Str\RegExp;
$emailPattern = new RegExp('/^\w+(?:[-+.\']\w+)*@\w+(?:[-.]\w+)*\.\w+(?:[-.]\w+)*$/Dsu');
if ($emailPattern->isSatisfiedBy('')) {
echo 'This is a valid email address!';