Releases: LiskHQ/lisk-mobile
Releases · LiskHQ/lisk-mobile
Version 0.3.0
Features Implemented
- Create setting page basics #228
- Create Terms of Use page #227
- Create About page #226
- Add support for the second passphrase in the Send page #161
- Update the illustrations and icons #266
- lisk logo should be in the center of the header in all pages #243
- Improve the shrink/expand animation in the home page #241
Bugs fixed
- Issues with account initialization procedure #262
- Validate the length of the reference value in Send form #251
- Big Number throws in some cases #250
- Fix some unwanted offcanvas action button in small screens on android #242
- Multiple entries of the same transaction in home page #240
- Fix wrong copies and typos #239
- Improve the test runners config #220
- Increase unit test coverage for middlewares #201
- Increase uni tests of the Actions to above 90% #200
- Increase unit tests of the reducers to 100% #187
Release changes
Version 0.2.0
Please note
This is an intermediatory version which is not fully tested. we do not recommend building the application against this version.
Features Implemented
- Request camera/gallery permission after the user denied #207
- Implement Register page #7
- Avatar is missing beside the address input in Send form #97
- Implement the Receive token page #99
- Implement safekeeping step for passphrase disclosure #39
- Add QR code scanner to the Send form #176
- Implement the registration success page #175
- implement passphrase confirmation step #40
- Implement the registration intro step #38
- Add hard ware back button support in registration page #215
- Update the the icons according to the new design guides #209
- Add new icons to icons font assets #191
- Improvements required in multistep component #186
- Improve styleGuide export structure #189
- Add Jenkins CI #23
Bugs fixed
Version 0.1.0
Features Implemented
- Implement WS connection #8
- Add support for Lisk avatar #9
- Followed accounts should be removable/editable in explore page #11
- Implement Transactions related Api endpoints #20
- Improve passphrase error reporting in Login page #41
- Implement the new design for the Header component #51
- Implement the new design for the toolbox components #52
- Implement the new design for the Send form page #54
- Implement the new design for the Transaction detail page #55
- Fix typography using the new type-rule sheet #60
- Design improvements for tab bar in Android #61
- Make android tab bar similar to ios #64
- Make send button sticky when keyboard is open #70
- Implement shrink-expand animation for account summary #74
- Transaction details style improvements #75
- Implement the new design of the landing page #76
- Add icons and splash screen #77
- Implement the new design of Login page #78
- Implement empty state of transactions list #79
- Implement the custom icons specified in design guides #86
- Implement the illustrations of transaction confirmation #103
- Prevent font scaling #167
- Update the tx confirmation animations #110
- Update animation assets #123
- Show an error if the app con not connect to the blockchain #135
- Show transaction details for pending transactions #158
- Keyboard should show numbers when focused in amount #163
- Unify all colons and add dot to subtitles #165
- Use the pending icon we had before #166
- Temporarily replace the WS connection with intervals of Api call #124
- Implement the new design for the Wallet page #53
- Implement the new UI design #50
- Basic UI design is required #48
- Implement loading component #42
- Use the toolBox HOC wrappers throughout the application #36
- Create a wrapper for basic elements in toolBox #35
- Create empty state for transaction list #34
- Add thousands separator to Lisk values #31
- Add reference input to Send Form #30
- Add Jenkins CI #23
- Add unit test coverage to Reducers #21
- Implement account related Api endpoints #19
- Update Api utility according to Lisk Elements requirements #18
- Add eslint linter to project #13
- Connect to the blockchain through Lisk Element #12
- Show specific titles for transaction types other than 0 #181
- Change type of passphrase input to password #182
- Update the date format for better readability #179
Bugs fixed
- Change amount keyboard type to decimal-pad in amount filed #173
- Amount is removed after back from ready to send #164
- Infinite scroll doesn't work when there is a pending transaction #156
- Incoming transaction doesn't update the empty account #155
- Prevent the slide-to-back functionality in iOS after logging in #153
- Fix landing component update issue #151
- Align back button with lisk logo in send confirmation step #149
- Add back button to send page header #147
- Design feedbacks #2 #144
- Design feedbacks #1 #143
- iOS/Android release issues #141
- Issue with sticky button in the Send form #139
- The Login page has back button after logging out. #137
- The tx confirmation animation stops playing in Android #127
- Error loading SVG logo in Android #113
- Sending fails in Android with invalid timestamp #98
- The line height of the buttons in Android is wrong #96
- The title of the tab bar buttons are missing in Android #95
- Prevent orientation change on device rotation #94
- Socket connection doesn't work in all rounds #93
- Missing validation in Send form #92
- Styles fine tuning #89
- The pending transactions need their specific icon #85
- Duplicate transaction ID after loading more transactions #84
- Loading animation is glitchy #80
- Force setTimeout to work when app is running in background #65
- Prevent navigating back from/to login page #62
Documentations created
- Update README #126
- Update readme to reflect all available scripts #72
- Add documentations to repository #15
Release changes