Releases: LiskHQ/lisk-mobile
Releases · LiskHQ/lisk-mobile
Version 0.11.2
Version 0.11.1
Version 0.11.0
- Investigate on creating and signing transactions on the BTC blockchain (#565)
- Investigate on existing BTC open APIs (#564)
- Translate the remaining titles to Deutsch (#601)
- Move all string titles to the English translations file (#420)
- Bump version number 0.11.0 (#614)
- Page titles remain untranslated after the language is changed (#616)
- The QR code scanner in Send form doesn't fill the reference field (#574)
- Update pre-commit hook to lint only staged files (#571)
Pull Requests Merged
- Prepare 0.11.0 release - Closes #614 (#615)
- Fix the German title which was cut - Closes #618 (#619)
- Translate page titles after the language is changed - Closes #616 (#617)
- Move all string titles to the English translations file - Closes #420 (#576)
- Refactor the redux store to save token - Closes #583 (#598)
- Install and configure lint-staged - Closes #571 (#572)
Version 0.10.0
- Give feedback if an error occurs during the Confirm phase of iMessage Extension (#588)
- Visual issue in the registration page (#580)
- Temporarily hide the language selector in settings page (#577)
- Fix iMessage extension UI bugs (#568)
- Implement rejection message page in imessage (#566)
- Create home screen quick actions menu (#547)
- Create the transaction details page in iMessage plugin (#548)
- Create a new registration step emphasising on initialization (#560)
- Implement deep linking to transaction details (#561)
- Implement the final iMessage logo and illustrations (#549)
- Implement deep linking api to iMessage extension bridge (#557)
- iMessage bridge optimizations (#546)
- Implement iMessage extension UI in React Native (#540)
- Create documentation for iOS iMessage bridge (#545)
- Implement the basic structure for the localization (#421)
- Investigate building iMessage extension with native code (#539)
Pull requests merged
- Update Confirm phase of iMessage Extension - Closes #588 (#589)
- Update comments at the top of iMessage extension files (#578)
- Fix the size of the illustration in the Register page - Closes #580 (#581)
- Temporarily hide the language selector in settings page - Closes #577 (#579)
- Update qrCode data decoder for reference field - Closes #574 (#575)
- Update iMessageExtension bridge to provide launchScreen methods (#573)
- Fix some UI bugs in iMessage extension - Closes #568 (#570)
- Implement rejection message page in iMessage extension - Closes #566 (#567)
- Implement quick actions on home screen - Closes #547 (#551)
- Implement transaction details page in iMessage - Closes #548 (#559)
- Create a new registration step emphasising on initialization - Closes #560 (#563)
- Implement deep linking to transaction details - Closes #561 (#562)
- Add iMessage app icons and illustrations - Closes #549 (#556)
- Implement deep linking api to iMessage bridge - Closes #557 (#558)
- Add icon and illustrations to iMessage extension - Closes #549 (#555)
- Add icon and illustrations to iMessage extension - Closes #549 (#554)
- Optimisations for iMessage extension - Closes #546 (#550)
- Minor optimisations for iMessage extension - Closes #546 (#544)
- Create base documentation for iMessage Extension - Closes #545 (#543)
- Create React Native bridge for iMessage Extension - Closes #539 (#542)
- Implement the basic structure for the localization - Closes #421 (#541)
Version 0.9.0
- Optimize interface for smaller screens #535
- Add dedicated data retrieval to transaction details page #477
- Make the keyboard dark in the dark mode (iOS) #470
- Add QR code scanner to Send/Confirm step #515
- Add to bookmark page should have a back button if camera permission is not granted #529
- Empty and loading illustrations in Home and Wallet pages are not center aligned #502
- Show embeddable build status icons in README #417
Pull Requests Merged
- Bump iOS build number #528
- Fix camera overlay back button behaviour on AddBookmark page - Closes #529 #534
- Add data retrieval to transaction details page - Closes #477 #533
- Update keyboard appearance with respect to the theme (iOS) - Closes #470 #531
- Update Send/Confirm form to have scanner for passphrase - Closes #515 #532
- Fix vertical alignment of transaction loading state - Closes #502 #538
- UI optimizations for small screens - Closes #535 #536
- Show embeddable build status icons in README - Closes #417 #437
Version 0.8.0
Features Implemented
- Add rounded icon to the android configuration #526
- Add back button to the scanner camera access overlay #523
- Simplify the copy on Bookmarks Page #513
- Validation for empty submission case in Recipient and Amount steps are missing #509
- Your account must not be linked in transaction details page #478
- Implement Sign in using QR code #278
- Ask form confirmation before removing from bookmarks #480
- Show bookmark label in the activity history list #473
- Show less floating digits when the number is big #416
- Link bookmark items to wallet page #475
- Lisk addresses in the transaction details page to wallet page #433
- Implement the wallet page for other accounts #435
- Show step progress on Send screen #462
- Investigate on a better keyboard aware view solution #409
- Validate all inputs on submit and remove the disabled state #423
- Implement Add to bookmark page #458
- Refactor screen titles for new design #444
- Implement the bookmark page #432
- Implement the new design of the home page #434
- Move priceTickers to Redux store #445
- Add warning before sign out #424
- Use haptic feedback for changes triggered via switch #415
- Update Terms of Use page #456
- Refactor navigation elements for new design #441
- Move Settings button to TabBar #439
Bugs fixed
- Fix alignment of the copyright text in About page #518
- Styling issues on navigation elements #520
- Fix broken release:android script #521
- Issues with formatting the transactions amount #516
- Numbers over 1K are not fully visible in the transactions list #511
- Misalignments in the bookmarks and Send page. #503
- Address and bookmark label are not aligned on Ready to Send step #496
- Exchange rate is not visible in Send/Amount step #504
- Progress bar percentage on Send steps does not match the design #497
- reference value overflows the width of the txDetails page #495
- Status bar color on ios should be white in the home page #500
- Minor visual bugs on Home and Wallet screens #491
- Error messages in Send screen are not accurate #486
- The header of TxDetail navigated from Wallet should be light #479
- Fix some bugs in the addToBookmark page #493
- Fix some minor visual bugs #489
- Some visual issues in Send screen #483
- Minor visual bugs #460
- Hide the balance in Send component in the discreet mode. #418
Release changes
- Bump version number 0.8.0 #507
Pull Requests Merged
- Add rounded icon to the android configuration - Closes #526 #527
- Add back button to the scanner camera access overlay - Closes #523 #524
- Fix alignment of the copyright text in About page - Closes #518 #519
- Fix styling of navigation elements - Closes #520 #522
- Fix broken release android script - Closes #521 #525
- Fix issues with formatting the transactions amount - Closes #516 #517
- Simplify copy on Bookmarks Page #514
- Add validation for empty submission case in Recipient and Amount steps #510
- Fix the regex in FormattedNumber - Closes #511 #512
- Bump version number 0.8.0 - Closes #507 #508
- Fix misalignments in the bookmarks and Send page - Closes #503 #506
- Fix the alignment of Address and bookmark label on Ready to Send step - Closes #496 #498
- Fix exchange rate visibility condition - Closes #504 #505
- Fix reference value overflow on TxDetails Screen - Closes #495 #499
- Status bar color on ios - Closes #500 #501
- Error messages inaccuracy in Send screen - Closes #486 #488
- Fix minor visual bugs on Home and Wallet screens #492
- The header of TxDetail navigated from Wallet should be light - Closes #479 #481
- Fix some bugs in the addToBookmark page - Closes #493 #494
- Fix some minor visual bugs - Closes #489 #490
- Fix some visual issues in Send screen - Closes #483 #485
- Your account must not be linked in transaction details page - Closes #478 #487
- Refactor QR code scanner component, Closes #278 #472
- Update bookmark item to ask for confirmation before delete - Closes #480 #484
- Show bookmark label instead of address in transaction list and details - Closes #473 #474
- Show less floating digits when the number is big - Closes #416 #482
- Link bookmark items to wallet page - Closes #475 #476
- Link the addresses to the Wallet page - Closes #433 #459
- Implement the wallet page for other accounts - Closes #435 #466
- Using QR code to sign in - Closes #278 #407
- Fix minor visual bugs - Closes #460 #461
- Show step progress on Send screen #464
- Refactor validation flow of inputs - Closes #423 #449
- Implement add to bookmark page - Closes #458 #465
- Implement the bookmark page - Closes #432 #448
- Implement the new design of the home page - Closes #434 #446
- Implement the Christmas look on the SignIn screen - Closes #438 #451
- Create liskService module - Closes #445 #450
- Add warning before sign out - Closes #424 #452
- Hide balance on Amount step for discreet mode - Closes #418 #442
- Use haptic feedback for changes triggered via switch or toggle - Closes #415 #453
- Update Terms of Use page - Closes #456 #457
- Refactor screen titles for new design #447
- Refactor navigation elements for new design - Closes #441, #439 #443
- Move Settings button to TabBar - Closes #439 #440
Version 0.7.0
Features Implemented
- BIP39 standard up to 24 words must be valid to sign in with #393
- Implement the Christmas look on the Sign in page #438
- Visual issues on Send screen #426
- Minor visual issue about FingerprintOverlay in Settings screen #431
- Implement physical back button handler to Send steps #401
- Implement the new design of the Send screen #373
- Update Account initialization process to work with new send screeen #425
- Add App Store and Play Store links to the README file #368
- Implement the Add to Bookmarks step of the Send screen. #376
- Make the whole QR code in Request page touchable #404
- Register screen crashes when it's opened again after a registration #402
- Implement the new design of the Ready to Send step. #378
- Refactor the launch protocol logic to work with the new design of the Send screen. #379
- Implement the Reference step of the Send screen. #377
- Implement the Amount step of the Send page with exchange ratio logic #380
- Implement the Recipient step of the Send screen. #375
- Reset the registered bioAuth method after signing out #392
- Implement the logic of bookmarks in our Redux store. #374
- Implement the fiat currency selector in the Settings page #381
Bugs fixed
- Fix remaining issues regarding the features included in version 0.7.0 #454
- Pull to refresh doesn't work when there is no transactions #371
Unit tests
- Increase the unit test coverage of the utilities #410
Pull Requests Merged
- Fix remaining issues regarding the features included in version 0.7.0 - Closes #454, #393 #455
- Fix visual issues in Send and Sign in screens - Closes #426 #428
- Fix styling of Settings screen for FingerprintOverlay - Closes #431 #436
- Implement hardware back handler to Send steps - Closes #401 #403
- Use returnKeyType prop on Input component - Closes #71 #399
- Increase the unit test coverage of the utilities - Closes #410 #411
- Fix account initialization bugs on the send screen - Closes #425 #427
- Add App Store and Play Store links to README #395
- Use Node.js 8.13.0 - Closes #413 #414
- Add to bookmarks step of the send component - Closes #376 #412
- Make QR code touchable on Request screen - Closes #404 #406
- Refactor Register screen's navigation listeners - Closes #402 #408
- Implement the new design of the Overview page - Closes #378 #405
- Refactor the launch protocol logic on Send Page - Closes #379 #397
- Implement the Reference step of the Send screen - Closes #377 #400
- Implement the Amount step of the Send page with exchange ratio logic - Closes #380 #391
- Implement the Recipient step of the Send screen. - Closes #375 #398
- Implement pull to refresh to OwnWallet's empty state - Closes #371 #389
- Reset the BioAuth method after signing out - Closes #392 #394
- Implement the logic of bookmarks in our Redux store - Closes #374 #396
- Implement currency selector in the Settings page - Closes #381 #390
Version 0.6.0
Features Implemented
- Implement the dark mode of button components #382
- Click on the home button should scroll to the top of transactions #193
- Replace all occurrences of Logout with Sign out #277
- Show errors of the passphrase only after the sign in button pressed #304
- Add swipe-to-change functionality to the. main tab bar #305
- Create the basic structure of dark theme in our style files #317
- Implement the dark mode of the about, terms screen #318
- Implement the dark mode of the Backup your passphrase and enable/disable bioAuth screens #319
- Implement the dark mode of the Settings screen #320
- Implement the dark mode of the Request screen #321
- Implement the dark mode of the Send screen #322
- Implement the dark mode of the home screen #323
- Add controllers for dark mode in the settings page #324
- Add controllers for incognito mode in Settings and Home pages #325
- Implement the blur effect over the transaction and balance values #326
- Implement the dark mode of the Transaction details screen #327
- Implement the launch protocol #328
- Implement the incognito theme #335
- Implement the dark theme #336
- Update color constants for theming #338
- Implement the dark mode of RefreshControl component #383
Documentations created
- Add usage of env.json to documentation #333
Maintenace and develoment changes
- Use
npm ci
for faster, more reliable builds #356
Bugs fixed
- Do not show keyboard on start when authentication with fingerprint is enabled. #311
- Minor visual bugs (0.6.0) #386
- Default value is missing for share button on Request screen #365
Pull Requests Merged
- Fix minor visual bugs - Closes #386 #387
- Implement the dark mode of button components - Closes #382 #388
- Use scrollToTop function passed from OwnWallet in router - Closes #193 #367
- Replace Login/Logout keywords with Sign In/Sign Out - Closes #277 #330
- Update validation flow of SignIn Form - Closes #304 #351
- Do not show keyboard when there is no input in the view - Closes #311 #334
- Initialize the basic structure of dark theme in our style files - Closes #317 #332
- Implement dark mode to PassphraseBackup and BioAuth screens - Closes #319 #346
- Implement dark mode to Settings screen - Closes #320 #344
- Implement dark mode to Request screen - Closes #321 #350
- Implement the dark mode of the send screen - Closes #322 #370
- Implement the dark mode of the home - Closes #323 #362
- Add controllers for dark mode in the settings page - Closes #324 #359
- Add a controller for the incognito mode in the Settings and Home pages - Closes #325 #364
- Implement the blur effect over the transaction and balance values - Closes #326 #385
- Implement the dark mode of the transaction details page - Closes #327 #355
- Use deep link for request urls - Closes #328 #354
- Add usage of env.json to readme - Closes #333 #337
- Update color constants for themes - Closes #338 #339
- Use npm ci - Closes #356 #360
- Update Share button props in Request screen - Closes #365 #366
- Use current theme in InfiniteScrollView component - Closes #383 #384
Version 0.5.0
Features Implemented
- Implement the latest design of the welcome screen #296
- Splash screen hide before the animation starts #306
Bugs fixed
- Minor visual issues in the intro screen #347
- Minor bugs and UX issues #315
- Visual bugs in Login page #340
Release changes
- Create a script that overwrites Sdk version in all android dependencies #308
- Bump version number 0.5.0 #352
Pull Requests Merged
- Implement the latest design of the welcome screen - Closes #296 #313
- Splash screen hide before the animation starts - Closes #306 #307
- Fix minor visual issues in the intro screen - Closes #347 #349
- Fix minor bugs and UX issues - Closes #315 #316
- Fix visual bugs in Login page - Closes #340 #341
- Bump version number 0.5.0 - Closes #352 #353
- Overwrite SDK version in all android dependencies - Closes #308 #309
Version 0.4.0
Features Implemented
- Bio-authenticate the user before navigating to the disable bio-auth and backup you passphrase pages #292
- Suggest the user to use bioAuth after the first successful sign-in #284
- Handle fingerprint success and error messages in android #290
- Implement the backup your passphrase option in the Settings page #288
- implement passphrase backup page #230
- Add pull to refresh to the top of transaction list #265
- Add biometric auth. controllers to the settings page #282
- Implement Login using Fingerprint #233
- Store the passphrase in KeyStore for Android #231
- Implement Login using Face ID #234
- Store the passphrase in keychain for iOS #232
- Implement new design of the transaction detail page #283
- Implement the new design of the login page #279
- Remove react-native-elements from the list of project dependencies #280
- Make the app compatible with xCode 10 #254
Bugs fixed
- Minor bugs found regarding the bio authentication process #301
Release changes
Pull Requests Merged:
- Fix minor bugs found in the bio-auth process - Closes #301 #302
- Bio-authenticate the user before navigating to the pages with sensitive content - Closes #292 #293
- Suggest the user to use bioAuth after the first successful sign-in - Closes #284 #291
- Handle fingerprint messages in android - Closes #290 #294
- Implement the backup your passphrase option in the Settings page - Closes #288 and #230 #289
- Add pull to refresh to the transaction list component - Closes #286
- Add biometric auth. controllers to the settings page - Closes #282 #287
- Implement new design of the transaction detail page - Closes #283 #285
- Implement the new design of the login page - closes #279 #281
- Make the app compatible with xcode 10 - Closes #254 and #280 #259
- Implement biometric Auth. in iOS and Android - Closes #231 #232 #233 #234 #276
- Use Node.js version from .nvmrc file on Jenkins - Closes #255 #256
- Create error reporting for all API calls #160