Welcome to the repository of the app used to interact with station, our decentralized backend service. With this app you can share files of any size, chat with anyone who has a "town" (what we call our servers) and even go into Spaces with them where you can play card games or share Minecraft servers. This is probably the quickest introduction I've ever given about the app and if you want to know more: Our website exists.
You can find a lot of information about this app on our help & resources page. Be sure to check it out, and if your question isn't answered, you can always contact us through Discord or Email (available on our website).
With Liphium, the attempt is to hide all of the decentralization magic and give the user a completely normal experience like on any other platform that is as good, if not better, than the other product. I don't want to make another open-source end-to-end encrypted messenger that brags about how privacy-focused it is. All of that should be obvious. I want to build something people actually want to use because of what it is and not just because of privacy promises or the promise of digital freedom. I want to show the world how you can build a really cool and useful platform on top of both end-to-end encrypted and privacy-focused backend while not even mentioning it to the normal if they don't want to hear about it. None of this has been achieved, but I've been building it for the last 2 years and know that it can be achieved. That's why I'm still working on this project after such a long time.
With all that said, this repository contains the main app for Liphium. It's one codebase for both mobile and desktop platforms making use of the Flutter framework for at least somewhat seamless experiences across platforms. The app looks the same and has the same categories for things like Settings on all platforms to make explaining it easier than ever. All settings are the same in the same order across every platform. This consistency is key to making a good app (in my opinion) and makes writing documentation and more a lot easier. Every single piece of code can be re-used making adding features quite easy across the board.
Hey, I appreciate that you want to contribute, but I'm sorry to report that all of the guides are just not there yet. If you are really curious about the app, you can reach out to me over on our Discord server (you can find the invite on our website). Contribution guides and more will be available at some point, but for now I just wanna develop this app alone and make sure there is some documentation because I don't want your experience making contributions to be really bad and I also want you to know where what is and why it's that way. The code quality is also still really bad and rough in some places, I'd also like to fix all of that before allowing contributions. So, just wait for now and let me cook.