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This is a provider for Linq2DB to allow access to DB2 running on an IBM iSeries (AS/400) server.
It has been tested on iSeries v7.3 and 7.4 with IBM i Access Client Solutions and DB2 Data Provider v11.1.4FP5
Installing the Linq2Db4iSeries NuGetPackage will automatically install the Linq2Db package.
The IBM ADO.net providers are include with iSeries Access Client Solutions for Windows package(https://www-01.ibm.com/marketing/iwm/platform/mrs/assets?source=swg-ia) which will need to be installed onto each machine that runs the software. The DB2 ADO.net providers can be downloaded either as a full downlad with the IBM Data Server Client package (.net framework only) or through nuget as the IBM.Data.DB.Provider (.net framework) or the IBM.Data.DB2.Core (.net core).
Note: IBM i Access for Windows 7.1 and earlier is not supported as documented here. That includes the unofficial version of this driver on nuget under the name IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.
This package includes 4 Linq2db DataProviders, each based on one of the three .net data providers included in the afformentioned IBM provider package
Access Client native Ado.Net provider This provider provides the great compatibility but is only available for .net framework. This is the only provider supported on versions up to 2.9.x
Access Client ODBC provider This provider is advertised by IBM as the most efficient and does seem to be faster than the .net native provider. However it does not support the XML data type properly. Specifically, any schema calls on datareaders that access an XML column throw an exception. There are a few workarounds applied that will make most scenarios work but there are others that break.
Access Client OleDb provider This provider is similar to the ODBC provider but fails on x86 and has a few other quircks. For example it returns fixed length graphic datatypes trimmed.
DB2 provider (via DB2Connect) This provider uses the same interface as the standard DB2 provider and supports .net framework and .net core (x64 only for core). It is feature rich, maintained by IBM and is available through nuget. However it requires a commercial license.
The recommended provider is DB2Connect if a license can be obtained. Otherwise the native .net provider is great if you're still on .net Framework. The OleDb and ODBC providers are a good choice if you want .net core/standard compatibility but cannot get a DB2Connect license. The ODBC provider has issues with XML columns and the OleDb provider only works on x64. The OleDb provider also had some SQL quirks that we handlde in code (required spaces in specific places) so use with caution.
For more info on IBM's comments on the ODBC and OleDb providers see: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/oledb-ole-db-and-odbc-positioning
For more info on providers see the provider known issue and quirks wiki artice
Usage is exactly the same as Linq2DB. See https://github.com/linq2db/linq2db/blob/master/README.md for examples.
Valid ProviderNames for this provider are defined as constants in the DB2iSeriesProviderName static class.
- Access Client native Ado.Net provider
Data Source={SERVER_NAME}; Persist Security Info=True;User ID={USER_ID};Password={PASSWORD};Library List={LIBRARY_LIST};Default Collection={DEFAULT_LIBRARY};Naming=0"
- Access Client ODBC provider
For more info see: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/ssw_ibm_i_74/rzaik/connectkeywords.htm#connectkeywords__note1
- Access Client OleDb provider
Provider=IBMDA400;Data Source=pub400.com;User Id={USER_ID};Password={PASSWORD};Default Collection={DEFAULT_LIBRARY};Convert Date Time To Char=FALSE;LIBRARY LIST={LIBRARY_LIST};Maximum Decimal Precision=63;Maximum Decimal Scale=63;Naming Convention=0
For more info see: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/access-client-solutions-ole-db-custom-connection-properties
- DB2 provider (via DB2Connect)
Database={SERVER_NAME};User ID={USER_ID};Password={PASSWORD};Server={SERVER_NAME}:{SERVER_PORT};LibraryList={LIBRARY_LIST};CurrentSchema=
Supported providers are:
- Access Client native .net provider (.net 4.5 only)
- Access Client ODBC provider
- Access Client OleDb provider
- DB2 provider (via DB2 Connect license)
The provider can create SQL compatible with V7.1 and above.
- V7.2 introduced the Truncate Table syntax.
- V7.1 PTF Level 38, V7.2 PTF Level 9 and V7.3 introduced a proper syntax for SKIP (OFFSET n ROWS).
To have the provider support these features this new syntax add MinVer="7.2" or "7.3" to the Provider or, if instantiating the provider in code set the parameter appropriatly.
DB2 doesn't have a GUID type. By default GUIDs will be stored as CHAR(16) FOR BIT DATA. This works and is probably the most efficient however it is unreadable when queried directly.
Setting MapGuidAsString="true" (or setting the parameter true in the constructor) will save the GUID in clear text. The underlying column should be set to VARCHAR(38) data type.
- The SchemaProvider implementation only returns details of the objects within the library list configured in the connection string even if the iSeries configuration for the user has other default Libraries specified
- Any objects created using this provider (e.g. as the result of a Create table statement) will be created in the Library in the Default Collection connection string parameter. If this is not specifed then it wil be created in the default library for the user account.
- Transactions can only be used if journalling is set up on the table (file). If the iSeries schema is created with a CREATE SCHEMA command then this will be set by default however if the schema is created using the iSeries commands then you will need to either add journalling to the table explicitly OR create a journal receiver called QSQJRN in the Library to have journalling automatically applied to each table.
See https://github.com/LinqToDB4iSeries/Linq2DB4iSeries/wiki for further information.
- DataProvider construction has been refactored. You now build a dataprovider either by:
- using one of the fixed names,
- providing the ADO provider type, server version and mapping options,
- providing the ADO provider type, sql provider flags and mapping options,
- using the new autodetector and a connection string
- Default naming convention is now SQL, please adjust your connection strings