MVAS-CLI is a simple command line tool to handle MVAS on Linux kernel. With this tool, it is possible to do a lot of basic operations by command line.
- Kernel support to VAS
- libmvas (lmvas)
Here you can find a list of all available command lines.
If you want to list all VAS and segments, just type:
mvas -la
mvas --list
mvas -l
- l: list all by default
- a: all
List only segments:
mvas -ls
List only VAS:
mvas -lv
To remove a VAS:
mvas -r -v [VAS id number]
mvas --remove --vas [VAS id number]
- -r: Remove
- -v: Expect integer number for (VAS Id)
Remove segment:
mvas -r -s [VAS id number]
mvas --remove --segment [VAS id number]
- -s: Expect integer number for (Segment id)
Create VAS:
mvas -c -n VASNAME0 -m 777
mvas --create --name VASNAME1 -mode 777
- -c: Create
- -n: VAS name
- -m: VAS mode
mvas -c -n SEGMENT0 -m 777 --start 0xC0DE000 --size 0x1000
mvas --create --name SEGMENT1 --mode 777 --start 0xC0DE000 --size 0x1000
- start: Start address for segment
- size: Size for segment
mvas -a -v VAS_ID -s SEGMENT_ID
mvas --attach-segment --vid VAS_ID --segment SEGMENT_ID --type [rw]