WIP! This is the repository for a turret that fires nerf balls made with goBILDA components. All code is written in C++ for arduino.
The turrent was comprised of 4 subsystems:
🦼The turrent used tank drive and was comprised of two 312 RPM Motors, each individually controlled by a 1x15A Motor Controller. These controllers were plugged into the PWM ports on an Arduino Giga R1 Wifi, and were powered by a 12V Battery using XT30 connectors.
The Turrent was able to Pan and Tilt using two 300° Torque Servos. These Servos were both connected to an Arduino Giga R1 Wifi, and allowed nice Rotation and tilt to manage the firing angle of the turret.
The Firing mechanism is comprised of 2 seperate subsystems:
The rotary shooter is a gear box driven by two 6000 RPM Motors, and the output of those two are combined into one axel. That axel is then geared to a 20:100 (1:5) gear ratio, providing an extremely high output velocity.
The ammo feeder subsystem consisted of a Speed Servo and a belt, bringing the victem bullets into the mouth of the rotating wheels.
The Turrent Relies on a 10ch FlySky i6 that's inputs are processed by an Arduino Mega using the IbusBM librairy.
The Turret uses 2 c++ scripts and one custom lib to run.