AWS Playground with Django DRF App
Simple Django Rest Framework API with jokes. This is proof of concept of deploying dockerized apps onto AWS EC2 instance.
- Copy example env file and update it with your data
cp example.env .env
- Run Dev environment
docker-compose up
- Run Deployment-Ready environment
docker-compose -f docker-compose-deploy.yml up
- Try jokes endpoint
- See docs at DEV
- ✅ CI - using github actions; runs on push to
branch and PRs- pre-commit checks
- running django tests
- ✅ Dockerized app
- project splitted into services
- used healthcheck for postgres DB - django app should wait until it is ready to use
- ✅ OpenAPI 3.0 schema and docs using
- ✅ JWT Authentication
- 1.0.0 - initial
- 1.1.0 - add JWT authentication
- 1.1.1 - add README badges