An absolute beginner's first time lesson to code in Python.
When you write code, you are using a programming language to instruct the computer how to perform different tasks like add numbers together, display a webpage, or store information into a database. You can use programming languages like Python by writing these instructions to a file inside of a special developer's program that looks a lot like Microsoft Word (but for code). When run a program, the computer translates the programming language into something it can understand how to follow. The computer follows the program, and returns a result.
No, not the snake! Python is a powerful programming language that is used in many businesses and industries. It is also one of the easier languages to learn. With a few lines of code, you can reach the internet, perform complex mathematics, rearrange and manipulate data, and connect to databases.
Learning to code is valuable and fun!
- Its valuable because you learn a new skill that can have a dramatic influence on the way that you solve problems and do work!
- Its fun because writing code can be challenging and rewarding. You feel a sense of accomplishment when your program works!
- It will give you many opportunities!
- Open this link in your browser - Log in with your Google account
- Follow the assignments in order
- Checkout the resources below or join our Slack channel!
- Try the useful python classroom - Log in with your Google account
- Go through the 10 minutes of Pandas tutorial on the official pandas website
- Start coding on your own by installing Anaconda and Git
There are many resources to learn more about python.