This repository contains the code and analysis for my Data Science & Society thesis on detecting and quantifying gender bias in Dutch word embeddings. The project leverages LSTM and Transformer models to track gender representation in embeddings, employing SVM-derived gender subspaces to analyze localization and evolution of biases over time. The research uses the SoNaR-corpus.
- Data Preprocessing: Scripts for preparing the SoNaR-corpus, including tokenization and cleaning.
- Model Training: Implementation of LSTM and Transformer models for creating Dutch word embeddings.
- Bias Detection: Classifiers and SVM tools to identify and quantify gender bias.
- Analysis: Analyzing the evolution and localization of gender bias in embeddings.
- Evaluation: Visualizations and results documenting embedding behaviors and gender localization.
File (in code folder) | Description |
bert.ipynb |
First experimental code with BERT, not the final script | |
Script to upload parts of the local corpus to Azure |
data_exploration_lemma.ipynb |
Data exploration at the lemma level (incomplete) |
data_exploration.ipynb |
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on the corpus | |
Script handling sentence-level data processing |
visualize_results.ipynb |
Visualization of model training results |