Ashton Cole, Hanna Butt, Kelechi Emeruwa
Fall 2022
Welcome to our COE 322 final project! We chose to solve the Traveling Salesman Problem. We also implemented a simulation of a delivery company dividing orders between delivery trucks across several days.
There are many files and folders in our directory, so we created a guide to navigating through.
- Report/Report.pdf final report
- src/traveling_salesman.cpp library implementing solutions to Traveling Salesman Problem
- src/tester.cpp scripts testing functionality of Traveling Salesman library
- src/deliveries_generator.cpp script randomly generating orders for simulations
- src/delivery_truck_simulation.cpp main simulation; takes in orders and outputs route assignments and status reports
- src/experimental.cpp experimental simulation; takes in orders and outputs backlog data
- dataout/ output of our initial tests. Contains automatically generated TikZ commands to generate figures in our final report
- Delivery Truck Simulation Data/ all inputs and outputs associated with our main simulation
- dat/ simple whitespace-delimited files of intermediate and optimized routes
- Jobs/ formated .txt files to distribute to delivery truck drivers
- Orders/ simple whitespace-delimited files of orders input into the simulation
- Statuses/ daily status reports sent to management for analytics
- tikz/ automatically generated TikZ commands to generate figures in our final report
- Experimental/ all inputs and outputs associated with our experimental simulation
- Report/ our final report and all of the scripts and resources used to generate it with LaTeX
- src/ contains all libraries, header files, scripts, and binaries