Changelog | 0.0.3a
New Features
- Introduced a new cutscene when entering Gruntilda's Lair.
- Added Jiggy banjo animation.
- Reworked Main Menu scene with new random music rotations and visual changes.
- Fully functional save/load system implemented in the backend.
- Transition system between maps now works seamlessly without loading screens.
- Reworked Main Menu loading system; both Continue and New Game options are fully functional.
- Added all Bottles' mole hills in Spiral Mountain and more trees.
- New moves added:
C + attack
,C + mouse wheel down
,C + mouse wheel up
. - 4-player split screen option with fixed Y-axis on controllers needs more testing.
- Mostly reworked Mumbo's Mountain/Gruntilda's Lair (1) with new textures and some models.
- Fixed enemy AI follow/movement speed to synchronize with animations.
- Added pushback to the player from enemies via Rigidbody script.
- Fixed Banjo's health value and AI's health value.
- Skybox now works for all levels that utilize it.
- Topper, Bawl, and Cauliwobble now have mostly correct AI with animations.
- Correct player respawn per level if death occurs with lives remaining.
- Fixed all teleportation issues between maps (SM-GL1/GL1-SM/GL1-MM/MM-GL1).
- Added all the MM items into the spawns (e.g., Notes, Mumbo Tokens) which now work with the UI and save/load system.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Cauliwobble honeycomb spawner in Spiral Mountain.
- Fixed isClimbing script from always running up walls.
- Addressed issues with water mechanics.
- Fixed various issues related to map teleportation.
Ongoing Work
- Dialogue systems for new zones.
- NPCs, triggers, and objects for Mumbo's Mountain (MM).
- NPCs, triggers, and objects for Gruntilda's Lair (GL1).
- Music triggers in sub-zones.
- Swimming animations and player controller.
Items Function Collection and UI Integration
- Honeycomb: Working
- Extra Honeycomb: Working
- Extra Lives: Working
- Mumbo Tokens: Working
- Musical Notes: Working
- Jiggys: Working
- Blue Eggs: Working
These items are now functional and have been spawned in Mumbo's Mountain, except in Mumbo's Hut and Termite Mound sub-zones, which still need to be added.
Map and Mechanics Updates
- Reworked grounding surfaces for Banjo vs. Kazooie, making hills in Mumbo's Mountain slippery for Banjo etc.
- Improved AI with the Save/Load system fix.
- Added UI elements for Jinjos, Items, HP, new Banjo life image, Air, Honeycombs, and empty hit UI, Mumbo Tokens, Feathers, Eggs, Note, Jiggy.
Main Menu and Upcoming Features
- Continued improvements to the Main Menu, particularly the Continue option, which will need further work in the next patch.
- Upcoming feature: More NPCs and fleshing out of Spiral Mountain, Gruntilda's Lair 1, and Mumbo's Mountain in the next patch, including working dialogs, triggers, NPCs, and music, using Jiggys to open maps plus much more.
Please use this for educational purposes only as it is not to treated as a game but as a learning tool of how common game companies go about porting old games to newer hardware.
Read disclaimer in the readme please, and also if this causes any issues with anyone please do not hesitate to contact me my email is linked on my GitHub profile.
Enjoy, more updates soon as I wish to progress my knowledge into the aspects of porting more then what I have already done In this.