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add a guard to each rule which is in the working set
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reb-ddm committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent c3b947d commit a3af8f4
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Showing 3 changed files with 74 additions and 41 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions core/grammar/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,7 +164,9 @@ type ('agent, 'agent_id, 'pattern, 'mixture, 'id, 'rule) instruction =
| RULE of
(string Loc.annoted option
* string LKappa.guard option
* 'rule Loc.annoted)
* 'rule Loc.annoted
* bool)
(*label, guard, rule, is_in_working_set*)
| GUARD_PARAM of (string Loc.annoted * bool)
| CONFLICT of (string Loc.annoted * string Loc.annoted * string Loc.annoted)

Expand All @@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ type ('agent, 'agent_sig, 'pattern, 'mixture, 'id, 'rule) compil = {
(string Loc.annoted option * string LKappa.guard option * 'rule Loc.annoted)
(** rules (possibly named, possibly with a guard): [name_option * rule_definition] *)
(** rules (possibly named, possibly with a guard): [name_option * guard * rule_definition] *)
observables: ('pattern, 'id) Alg_expr.e Loc.annoted list;
(** list of patterns to plot *)
init: ('pattern, 'mixture, 'id) init_statement list;
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions core/grammar/ast.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,7 +143,9 @@ type ('agent, 'agent_sig, 'pattern, 'mixture, 'id, 'rule) instruction =
| RULE of
(string Loc.annoted option
* string LKappa.guard option
* 'rule Loc.annoted)
* 'rule Loc.annoted
* bool)
(*label, guard, rule, is_in_working_set*)
| GUARD_PARAM of (string Loc.annoted * bool)
| CONFLICT of (string Loc.annoted * string Loc.annoted * string Loc.annoted)

Expand All @@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ type ('agent, 'agent_sig, 'pattern, 'mixture, 'id, 'rule) compil = {
(string Loc.annoted option * string LKappa.guard option * 'rule Loc.annoted)
(**rules (possibly named)*)
(** rules (possibly named, possibly with a guard)*)
observables: ('pattern, 'id) Alg_expr.e Loc.annoted list;
(** list of patterns to plot *)
init: ('pattern, 'mixture, 'id) init_statement list;
Expand Down
103 changes: 66 additions & 37 deletions core/grammar/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,41 +6,70 @@
(* |_|\_\ * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 *)

let add_working_set_guard guard k =
let guard_name = "@ws-rule-" ^ string_of_int k in
let guard_param = LKappa.Param guard_name in
match guard with
| None -> Some guard_param
| Some guard -> Some (LKappa.And (guard_param, guard))

let append_to_ast_compil rev_instr compil =
(fun r -> function
| Ast.RULE ru -> { r with Ast.rules = ru :: r.Ast.rules }
| Ast.SIG ag -> { r with Ast.signatures = ag :: r.Ast.signatures }
| Ast.TOKENSIG str_pos -> { r with Ast.tokens = str_pos :: r.Ast.tokens }
| Ast.VOLSIG (vol_type, vol, vol_param) ->
{ r with Ast.volumes = (vol_type, vol, vol_param) :: r.Ast.volumes }
| Ast.INIT (alg, init_t) ->
{ r with Ast.init = (alg, init_t) :: r.Ast.init }
| Ast.DECLARE var -> { r with Ast.variables = var :: r.Ast.variables }
| Ast.OBS (((lbl, pos), _) as var) ->
(*for backward compatibility, shortcut for %var + %plot*)
r with
Ast.variables = var :: r.Ast.variables;
Ast.observables = (Alg_expr.ALG_VAR lbl, pos) :: r.Ast.observables;
| Ast.PLOT expr -> { r with Ast.observables = expr :: r.Ast.observables }
| Ast.PERT ((alarm, pre, effect, opt), pos) ->
r with
Ast.perturbations =
((alarm, pre, effect, opt), pos) :: r.Ast.perturbations;
| Ast.CONFIG (param_name, value_list) ->
r with
Ast.configurations = (param_name, value_list) :: r.Ast.configurations;
| Ast.GUARD_PARAM (params_sig, b) ->
r with
Ast.guard_param_values = (params_sig, b) :: r.Ast.guard_param_values;
| Ast.CONFLICT (agent, site1, site2) ->
{ r with Ast.conflicts = (agent, site1, site2) :: r.Ast.conflicts })
compil (List.rev rev_instr)
@@ List.fold_left
(fun (r, k) -> function
| Ast.RULE (label, guard, rule, is_in_working_set) ->
if is_in_working_set then
( {
r with
Ast.rules =
(label, add_working_set_guard guard k, rule) :: r.Ast.rules;
k + 1 )
{ r with Ast.rules = (label, guard, rule) :: r.Ast.rules }, k
| Ast.SIG ag -> { r with Ast.signatures = ag :: r.Ast.signatures }, k
| Ast.TOKENSIG str_pos ->
{ r with Ast.tokens = str_pos :: r.Ast.tokens }, k
| Ast.VOLSIG (vol_type, vol, vol_param) ->
( { r with Ast.volumes = (vol_type, vol, vol_param) :: r.Ast.volumes },
k )
| Ast.INIT (alg, init_t) ->
{ r with Ast.init = (alg, init_t) :: r.Ast.init }, k
| Ast.DECLARE var ->
{ r with Ast.variables = var :: r.Ast.variables }, k
| Ast.OBS (((lbl, pos), _) as var) ->
(*for backward compatibility, shortcut for %var + %plot*)
( {
r with
Ast.variables = var :: r.Ast.variables;
Ast.observables =
(Alg_expr.ALG_VAR lbl, pos) :: r.Ast.observables;
k )
| Ast.PLOT expr ->
{ r with Ast.observables = expr :: r.Ast.observables }, k
| Ast.PERT ((alarm, pre, effect, opt), pos) ->
( {
r with
Ast.perturbations =
((alarm, pre, effect, opt), pos) :: r.Ast.perturbations;
k )
| Ast.CONFIG (param_name, value_list) ->
( {
r with
Ast.configurations =
(param_name, value_list) :: r.Ast.configurations;
k )
| Ast.GUARD_PARAM (params_sig, b) ->
( {
r with
Ast.guard_param_values =
(params_sig, b) :: r.Ast.guard_param_values;
k )
| Ast.CONFLICT (agent, site1, site2) ->
( { r with Ast.conflicts = (agent, site1, site2) :: r.Ast.conflicts },
k ))
(compil, 0) (List.rev rev_instr)

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