Merge branch 'ci-cache' into chrisward/pp-readme-gh #31
on: push
13m 18s
4 errors
Unhandled error:
Error: Snapshot `Limited Reserve V2 Transfers from Spiritnet Account Alice -> HydraDx Account Alice > receiver events currencies 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
"method": "Deposited",
"section": "currencies",
"data": {
- "amount": "(rounded 3500000000000)",
+ "amount": "(rounded 3300000000000)",
"currencyId": 28,
"who": "7L53bUTBopuwFt3mKUfmkzgGLayYa1Yvn1hAg9v5UMrQzTfh",
"method": "Deposited",
"section": "currencies",
❯ Checker.toMatchSnapshot node_modules/@acala-network/chopsticks-testing/dist/esm/check.js:163:51
This error originated in "src/tests/xcm/hydration/limitedReserveTransferSpiritnetHydraDxV2.test.ts" test file. It doesn't mean the error was thrown inside the file itself, but while it was running.
Unhandled error:
Error: Failed to apply inherents
❯ initNewBlock node_modules/@acala-network/chopsticks-core/dist/esm/blockchain/block-builder.js:193:19
❯ Module.buildBlock node_modules/@acala-network/chopsticks-core/dist/esm/blockchain/block-builder.js:300:44
❯ TxPool.#buildBlock node_modules/@acala-network/chopsticks-core/dist/esm/blockchain/txpool.js:223:47
❯ TxPool.#buildBlockIfNeeded node_modules/@acala-network/chopsticks-core/dist/esm/blockchain/txpool.js:207:13
This error originated in "src/tests/xcm/assetHub/teleportTransferSpiritnetAssetHub.test.ts" test file. It doesn't mean the error was thrown inside the file itself, but while it was running.
The latest test that might've caused the error is "src/tests/xcm/assetHub/teleportTransferSpiritnetAssetHub.test.ts". It might mean one of the following:
- The error was thrown, while Vitest was running this test.
- If the error occurred after the test had been completed, this was the last documented test before it was thrown.
src/tests/xcm/assetHub/limitedReserveTransferSpiritnetAssetHub.test.ts > Limited Reserve Transfers from Spiritnet Account Alice -> AH Account Alice:
Error: Snapshot `Limited Reserve Transfers from Spiritnet Account Alice -> AH Account Alice > receiver assetHub::messageQueue::[Processed] asset {"V3":[{"id":{"Concrete":{"parents":0,"interior":"Here"}},"fun":{"Fungible":"1000000000000000"}}]} 1` mismatched
- Expected
+ Received
@@ -1,10 +1,25 @@
"data": {
"id": "(hash)",
"origin": {
+ "Sibling": "(rounded 2000)",
+ },
+ "success": true,
+ "weightUsed": {
+ "proofSize": "(rounded 7200)",
+ "refTime": "(rounded 320000000)",
+ },
+ },
+ "method": "Processed",
+ "section": "messageQueue",
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "id": "(hash)",
+ "origin": {
"Sibling": "(rounded 2100)",
"success": false,
"weightUsed": {
"proofSize": "(rounded 1500)",
❯ Checker.toMatchSnapshot node_modules/@acala-network/chopsticks-testing/dist/esm/check.js:163:51
❯ src/tests/xcm/assetHub/limitedReserveTransferSpiritnetAssetHub.test.ts:64:2
Process completed with exit code 1.