It is an operational acronym based on the TTP0 approach to key focus areas of the Security Operations (SecOps) world.
This operational acronym is specific to cyber security Incident Management.
The intent of DRONE is to immediately help you:
Term | Purpose |
Define | Your opertional criteria, its context, priorities, impact, and data of interest (OSINT, IoC, Observables) |
Reduce | The frustration of not knowing where to start regardless of your team's size, and minimize data entry errors |
Outline | Outline fundamental key measurements to account for good security work to scale services & team size |
Notify | Provide effective communication of incidents between practitioners, business leaders with the necessary context |
Enable | Your focus on leading people and growing their skills while minimizing the burden of creating the basics |
"The TTP0 DRONE is resource to deliver the usage of a custom workflow used for cyber security operations, and specifically the use by security teams to manage incidents with a platform neutral approach where security practitioners can be enabled to achieve rather than stalling them with limitations due to a product's constraint. " -@dfirence
As of today, DRONE leverages the powerful open source project called "TheHive" as an example of using the DRONE workflow.
The intent of DRONE is to remain agnostic to a product or platform, it is focused on the technique(s) and procedure(s) that are important when managing an operational group and its services from the ground up. By technique and procedure we refer to the information design applied to the subject of incident management.
The design is carefully considerate of providing a solid state of awareness of how an incident may affect an organization, its people and systems used for either general or critical business efforts.
The TTP0 DRONE is a WIP (Work In Progress) being matured into different main stream platforms that can be used for managing demand and work efforts (e.g., Ajira, ServiceNow, Remedy, etc.)
Ensure you have python 2.7 installed and that the PIP package manager is working correctly
You have installed a working instance of the CERT-BDF TheHive incident management platform - TheHive Project
We highly suggest you to watch this overview of the TTP0 DRONE before you start - TTP0 DRONE Video
Assuming the above is complete, you can get started below.
git clone
cd drone
pip install -r ttp0-drone-requirements.txt
python configure
python run
The custom framework that is driven from the U.S. CERT Incident Categorization is represented in the TTP0 DRONE WIKI
Priority | Feature |
P1 | Email Support for Linux, Windows |
P1 | Framework Documentation Wiki |
P1 | Ansible Playbook for TTP0 - TheHive Deployment (Debian, Arch, CENTOS) |
P2 | Custom SOC Incident Reporting Template |
P2 | Local Case Manager released from private codebase |
P3 | Integrations with Commodity APIs |
P4 | Web Application Platform |