CRAN release wooldridge v1.4-2
Reduced scope of vignette, removing examples and Suggested pkgs
, andprais
from the wooldridge DESCRIPTION file. The wooldridge package builds & tests much quicker and cleaner asAER
in particular have grown larger dependency trees over the years.prias
also has a habit of breaking its API(see notes around release wooldridge 1.3.1), and this has happened yet again in the recent release ofpraise v1.1.2
, triggeringwooldridge
WARNINGS on CRAN. A helpful note from Prof Brian Ripley was quick to follow, with the usual notification that wooldridge would be removed from CRAN. Given its limited use in an example, it makes sense to remove it all together to avoid future complications. After all, my time as maintainer is limited and this data package should be the easiest of my open source packages to maintain. These Vignette examples are nice, but they are given a much better treatment elsewhere and I refer readers to those sources. -
(very mature and stable packages) to extend a time series example with current data.