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JustinMShea committed Oct 10, 2018
1 parent 47b283c commit 73ff2fb
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Showing 134 changed files with 1,702 additions and 1,032 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Depends: R (>= 3.2.0)
License: GPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.0.1
RoxygenNote: 6.1.0
Suggests: AER, knitr, plm, prais, rmarkdown, stargazer, testthat
VignetteBuilder: knitr
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions devscripts/build-checks.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ rhub::validate_email()

rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[3])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[3])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[4])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[5])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[9])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[10])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[9]) #mac elcapitan
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[10]) #mac mavericks
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[11])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[12])
rhub::check(platform = rhub::platforms()$name[13])
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444 changes: 81 additions & 363 deletions docs/articles/Introductory-Econometrics-Examples.html

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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions docs/articles/index.html

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12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions docs/authors.html

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148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions docs/docsearch.css
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
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License: MIT

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1-.761-.904c-.181-.37-.274-.893-.274-1.438 0-.523.104-.855.307-1.215.208-.36.487-.654.838-.883a3.609 3.609 0 0 1 1.227-.49 7.073 7.073 0 0 1 2.202-.103c.257.027.537.076.833.147v-.349c0-.245-.027-.479-.088-.697a1.486 1.486 0 0 0-.307-.583c-.148-.169-.34-.3-.581-.392a2.536 2.536 0 0 0-.915-.163c-.493 0-.942.06-1.353.131-.411.071-.75.153-1.008.245l-.257-1.749c.268-.093.668-.185 1.183-.278a8.89 8.89 0 0 1 1.66-.142l-.001-.001zm.186 7.736c.657 0 1.145-.038 1.484-.104v-2.168a5.097 5.097 0 0 0-1.978-.104c-.241.033-.46.098-.652.191a1.167 1.167 0 0 0-.466.392c-.121.169-.175.267-.175.523 0 .501.175.79.493.981.318.191.75.289 1.293.289h.001zm8.682 1.738c-3.511.016-3.511-2.822-3.511-3.274L89.461.926l2.142-.338v10.003c0 .256 0 1.88 1.375 1.885v1.792h-.001z' fill='%23182359'/><path d='M5.027 11.025c0 .698-.252 1.246-.757 1.644-.505.397-1.201.596-2.089.596-.888 0-1.615-.138-2.181-.414v-1.214c.358.168.739.301 1.141.397.403.097.778.145 0 .884-.097 1.125-.29a.945.945 0 0 0 .363-.779.978.978 0 0 0-.333-.747c-.222-.204-.68-.446-1.375-.725-.716-.29-1.221-.621-1.515-.994-.294-.372-.44-.82-.44-1.343 0-.655.233-1.171.698-1.547.466-.376 1.09-.564 1.875-.564.752 0 1.5.165 2.245.494l-.408 1.047c-.698-.294-1.321-.44-1.869-.44-.415 0-.73.09-.945.271a.89.89 0 0 0-.322.717c0 .204.043.379.129.524. 1.268.671.269.208.466.442.591.704. 2.24c-.924 0-1.646-.269-2.167-.808-.521-.539-.782-1.281-.782-2.226 0-.97.242-1.733.725-2.288.483-.555 1.148-.833 1.993-.833.784 0 1.404.238 1.858.714.455.476.682 1.132.682 1.966v.682H7.357c.018.577.174 1.02.467 1.329.294.31.707.465 1.241.465.351 0 .678-.033.98-.099a5.1 5.1 0 0 0 .975-.33v1.026a3.865 3.865 0 0 1-.935.312 5.723 5.723 0 0 1-1.08.091l.002-.001zm-.231-5.199c-.401 0-.722.127-.964.381s-.386.625-.432 1.112h2.696c-.007-.491-.125-.862-.354-1.115-.229-.252-.544-.379-.945-.379l-.001.001zm7.692 5.092l-.252-.827h-.043c-.286.362-.575.608-.865.739-.29.131-.662.196-1.117.196-.584 0-1.039-.158-1.367-.473-.328-.315-.491-.761-.491-1.337 0-.612.227-1.074.682-1.386.455-.312 1.148-.482 2.079-.51l1.026-.032v-.317c0-.38-.089-.663-.266-.851-.177-.188-.452-.282-.824-.282-.304 0-.596.045-.876.134a6.68 6.68 0 0 0-.806.317l-.408-.902a4.414 4.414 0 0 1 1.058-.384 4.856 4.856 0 0 1 1.085-.132c.756 0 1.326.165 1.711.494.385.329.577.847.577 1.552v4.002h-.902l-.001-.001zm-1.88-.859c.458 0 .826-.128 1.104-.384.278-.256.416-.615.416-1.077v-.516l-.763.032c-.594.021-1.027.121-1.297.298s-.406.448-.406.814c0 . 0 .464.018.628.054l-.124 1.176a2.383 2.383 0 0 0-.559-.064c-.505 0-.914.165-1.227.494-.313.329-.47.757-.47 1.284v3.105h-1.262V7.218h.988l.167 1.047h.064c.197-.354.454-.636.771-.843a1.83 1.83 0 0 1 1.023-.312h.001zm4.125 6.155c-.899 0-1.582-.262-2.049-.787-.467-.525-.701-1.277-.701-2.259 0-.999.244-1.767.733-2.304.489-.537 1.195-.806 2.119-.806.627 0 1.191.116 1.692.349l-.381 1.015c-.534-.208-.974-.312-1.321-.312-1.028 0-1.542.682-1.542 2.046 0 .666.128 1.166.384 1.501.256.335.631.502 1.125.502a3.23 3.23 0 0 0 1.595-.419v1.101a2.53 2.53 0 0 1-.722.285 4.356 4.356 0 0 1-.932.086v.002zm8.277-.107h-1.268V9.506c0-.458-.092-.8-.277-1.026-.184-.226-.477-.338-.878-.338-.53 0-.919.158-1.168.475-.249.317-.373.848-.373 1.593v2.949h-1.262V4.801h1.262v2.122c0 .34-.021.704-.064 1.09h.081a1.76 1.76 0 0 1 .717-.666c.306-.158.663-.236 1.072-.236 1.439 0 2.159.725 2.159 2.175v3.873l-.001-.001zm7.649-6.048c.741 0 1.319.269 1.732.806.414.537.62 1.291.62 2.261 0 .974-.209 1.732-.628 2.275-.419.542-1.001.814-1.746.814-.752 0-1.336-.27-1.751-.811h-.086l-.231.704h-.945V4.801h1.262v1.987l-.021.655-.032.553h.054c.401-.591.992-.886 1.772-.886zm-.328 1.031c-.508 0-.875.149-1.098.448-.224.299-.339.799-.346 1.501v.086c0 .723.115 1.247.344 1.571.229.324.603.486 1.123.486.448 0 .787-.177 1.018-.532.231-.354.346-.867.346-1.536 0-1.35-.462-2.025-1.386-2.025l-.001.001zm3.244-.924h1.375l1.209 3.368c.183.48.304.931.365 1.354h.043c.032-.197.091-.436.177-.717.086-.281.541-1.616 1.364-4.004h1.364l-2.541 6.73c-.462 1.235-1.232 1.853-2.31 1.853-.279 0-.551-.03-.816-.091v-.999c.19.043.406. 0 1.037-.353 1.284-1.058l.22-.559-2.385-5.941h.001z' fill='%231D3657'/></g></svg>");
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85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions docs/docsearch.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
$(function() {

// register a handler to move the focus to the search bar
// upon pressing shift + "/" (i.e. "?")
$(document).on('keydown', function(e) {
if (e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == 191) {

$(document).ready(function() {
// do keyword highlighting
/* modified from */
var mark = function() {

var referrer = document.URL ;
var paramKey = "q" ;

if (referrer.indexOf("?") !== -1) {
var qs = referrer.substr(referrer.indexOf('?') + 1);
var qs_noanchor = qs.split('#')[0];
var qsa = qs_noanchor.split('&');
var keyword = "";

for (var i = 0; i < qsa.length; i++) {
var currentParam = qsa[i].split('=');

if (currentParam.length !== 2) {

if (currentParam[0] == paramKey) {
keyword = decodeURIComponent(currentParam[1].replace(/\+/g, "%20"));

if (keyword !== "") {
done: function() {


/* Search term highlighting ------------------------------*/

function matchedWords(hit) {
var words = [];

var hierarchy = hit._highlightResult.hierarchy;
// loop to fetch from lvl0, lvl1, etc.
for (var idx in hierarchy) {
words = words.concat(hierarchy[idx].matchedWords);

var content = hit._highlightResult.content;
if (content) {
words = words.concat(content.matchedWords);

// return unique words
var words_uniq = [ Set(words)];
return words_uniq;

function updateHitURL(hit) {

var words = matchedWords(hit);
var url = "";

if (hit.anchor) {
url = hit.url_without_anchor + '?q=' + escape(words.join(" ")) + '#' + hit.anchor;
} else {
url = hit.url + '?q=' + escape(words.join(" "));

return url;

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