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Releases: Junimeek/BaldiExtended

Beta 0.5

19 Oct 22:02
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Version 0.5 is here! I don't know how long we're gonna stay on 0.5.x, but it'll probably be a while.

Gameplay Changes:

  • New Mode: Challenge mode!
  • New challenge map: Dark mode! Which is basically just BBCR's Null Style lmao
  • You can now charge your stamina up to 300% if you're standing in an infinite stamina zone!
  • The Baldicator will now queue its expressions for sight, next sound, and wandering. This is to ensure that you will still know what Baldi is doing while other animations are playing.
  • The Baldicator has a different sprite for Sight now for improved visual clarity
  • During the finale, once you're at just 1 exit remaining, the school will get darker as you get closer to the exit

Item Changes:

  • New Item: the Dangerous Hammer! Smash through any window you can find to be able to go through it! At the moment, this item is only available in the Dark Mode challenge.
  • The duration of the Yellow Door Lock and Big'Ol Boots have been increased to 30 seconds
  • The number of times a door treated with WD-NoSquee can be opened silently has been increased to 6 times
  • A visual indicator has been added for doors treated with WD-NoSquee
  • Eating a zesty bar will now play a sound

Other Changes:

  • There is a new category in the menu: Patches. Right now the only things that are there are selecting between your monitor's refresh rate or unlimited framerate, and fixing the noisy doors bug. More info about the latter is under the Bug Fixes category.
  • The music during the finale has been altered
  • There is a new sequence for the normal ending
  • The visuals of the quick map have been changed
  • Saving has been completely overhauled. You'll see a prompt upon launching the game the first time you open it. The game will have an indicator in the top left corner of the screen when saving is in progress. If you were playing an older version of the game, it should detect that old data and upgrade it to the new system.
  • There are now a few more things that will be saved in your high scores: Your best time in Story Mode, and how many of each item you've used in each map
  • The Data Management menu actually does something now
  • A Family Friendly option has been added. This only affects some minor schoolhouse decoration.

Bug Fixes:

  • The bug where clicking on an open door or simply walking through open swinging doors causing Baldi to be alerted has been fixed. However, I acknowledge that some people may use this bug as part of their strategy. As such, if you prefer this bug being in the game, you can optionally disable this fix in the settings's Patches menu.
  • Clicking on an open door that has been treated with WD-NoSquee will no longer cause it to decrement the number of times the door can be silently opened
  • Fixed the bully not detecting any items on you if your first item slot happens to be empty
  • The coin drop sound from the vending machines are now properly filtered through the SFX volume control

Known Bugs:

  • Apparently it's possible for a vending machine to eat your quarter. This has only ever happened to me a single time, and I can't for the life of me figure out why it happened that one time. This seems to be a VERY rare bug, so you shouldn't have to worry about it at all. hopefully.
  • I did attempt to make it so when you make the Principal angry, he will only pursue you if he actively sees you. However, this behavior seems to be broken and he still knows where you are at all times, both in and out of his sight.
  • The cuts in the background music during the Null boss battle are extremely noticeable. This will likely be fixed in a future update (preferably using a MIDI player, but there aren't any good free ones), but for now we'll just have to put up with my crude audio swapping system
  • The floating textboxes in the menu are kind of screwed up

Beta 0.4.3

13 Aug 02:44
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Lot of additions to this version!

Gameplay Changes

  • There's now a map! It can be toggled on and off by simply pressing Tab. Upgrades for the map can be purchased in the Principal's office. There is a poster next to the map upgrade vending machine that will explain in further detail.
  • You can now carry an infinite amount of quarters! All quarters will automatically be added to your wallet. To use a quarter, simply look at a vending machine and right click, and it will use any quarters you have collected. If your inventory is full, select the item you want to replace with whatever the vending machine will dispense, and it'll replace that item with the new item.
  • As a result of several new items being added (explained further below), there is now a significant change to the vending machines: They will now cost varying amounts of quarters depending on what item they give you. Diet BSODA and Crystal Zesty Bars will cost 1 quarter, regular BSODA and Energy Bars will cost 3 quarters, and Map Upgrades will cost anywhere from 1-4 quarters depending on how many you want to buy. Note that these changes do not apply to the Classic map; all items will continue to cost just 1 quarter on that map.
  • Safe mode has been changed: Now it will spawn a Ghost Baldi once you get a question wrong. Ghost Baldi will chase you just like normal Baldi, he just can't end your game.
  • Added two faculty rooms to Juniper Hills
  • Increased the number of exits in Classic Extended to 6
  • Increased the number of exits in Juniper Hills to 5

Item Changes

  • Collecting an item while your inventory is full will no longer completely discard an item; instead, it will place the item where you collected the new item, just like in BBCR.
  • The map you play will now determine the number of inventory slots you have to work with: Classic has 3 slots, Classic Extended has 5 slots, and Juniper Hills has 4 slots.
  • FOUR new items: Diet BSODA, Crystal flavored Zesty Bar, the Party Popper, and the Wallet!
  • Diet BSODA and the Crystal Flavored Zesty bar are "healthier" versions of BSODA and Energy flavored Zesty Bar
  • The Party Popper will start a party and attract all characters to the Principal's Office, the Gym, the Cafeteria, or to any classroom of your choosing! The item can be found in the Principal's office. It will also be less effective the more notebooks you have.
  • The Wallet is an item that is permanently attached to your inventory and holds coins. This does not apply to the original Classic map; quarters will still be put in your inventory like normal there
  • The effects of the Zesty Bar can now be stacked
  • The Attendance Slip has been buffed slightly: the character you send to attendance will now stay there for the entire game, instead of for just 3 notebooks.
  • The Alarm Clock has been changed to act like it does in BBCR: you can set the time after dropping it somewhere, and it'll make Baldi ignore ALL sounds with the exception of the Party Popper.
  • Added a new quarter that will spawn in a random room
  • Removed a few standing quarters from Juniper Hills due to there being an excessive amount of money on that map. You can now only find a maximum of $2.50 in Classic Extended, and $2.25 in Juniper Hills.

Other Changes

  • Added a few meme posters to the halls
  • Added a new loading screen
  • The game will tell now you how many exits are remaining in the top left of the screen
  • Added the rest of Baldi's jumpscare sounds introduced in BB+
  • Baldi's AI has been slightly improved to keep him moving instead of constantly getting stuck in place for a few seconds
  • The Baldicator's animation times are slightly quicker now
  • Its a Bully will now actually go to detention if the Principal catches him. Don't worry, he won't steal anything from you while he's in there.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the player would not look at the Principal when sent to detention, or at Baldi when Arts and Crafters teleports you. This is actually a bug that has existed in the original game for forever, I just never found a fix for it until now.
  • Fixed a bug where Arts and crafters would softlock the player in Classic Extended and Juniper Hills
  • Fixed a bug where the characters would phase through a wall in Juniper Hills
  • Fixed a bug where picking up an item would sometimes result in you collecting the wrong item
  • Fixed a few bugs with the center item display
  • Fixed an issue that would allow you to use vending machines on the opposite side of a wall

Known bugs

  • Baldi's AI in regards to detention is still a little weird. To put it short, it bugs out when you get sent there while you're still in his sights. This results in him either heading straight there, or completely giving up on chasing you.
  • Playing in Endless Mode with Safe Mode turned on causes Baldi's audio to get cut off after answering the third question correctly

Beta 0.4.2

15 Jul 22:40
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So, turns out that the fog being broken in the previous versions wasn't the biggest problem still remaining. Thanks to me skipping the all-important playtesting step, I overlooked two extremely bad bugs that needed to be fixed immediately.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that made Juniper Hills completely impossible
  • Fixed a bug with the Baldicator. Which actually turned out to be an even bigger bug with Baldi's wandering AI as a whole.* oops

*Known Bugs

So, I kinda lied about the AI being fixed; it's actually still not completely fixed. Although it's mostly working now, it appears that getting sent to detention exhibits some unintended behavior: Baldi's sound priority is lowered. Detention is supposed to have a priority of 3, and Baldi's sight on the player is supposed to be 5. However, for some reason Baldi will head straight to detention when you're sent there, even when he's supposed to be prioritizing something else. I can't think of a single reason as to why this is, but I really needed to push this update out as Juniper Hills DESPERATELY needs to be fixed ASAP. If anyone with Unity knowledge stumbles across this and knows how to fix it, open an issue on this repo and let me know how to fix it.

Beta 0.4.1

15 Jul 19:52
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Hopefully the fog is fixed now.

Gameplay Changes

  • New Item: The Attendance Slip! It will spawn in a random faculty room in Classic Extended and Juniper Hills. It will send Playtime, 1st Prize, or Gotta Sweep home (at least until the Principal notices. He WILL catch you, so use it wisely)!
  • The Speedy Sneakers have been nerfed, as they were EXTREMELY broken before. Trying to work on keeping the game reasonably balanced
  • Baldi's AI has changed slightly: he will remember more sounds that you make, so be careful where you go, he can follow you a lot easier now!
  • When you open Gotta Sweep's door for the first time, he will immediately begin sweeping

Other Changes

  • New Help menu! It explains the story, items, controls, and the Baldicator.
  • Background music volume has been slightly decreased

Beta 0.4.0

09 Jul 13:24
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Annoyingly, the fog doesn't work. Hopefully I can fix it in the next update in 6 years, idk

A looooot of things changed since the last build. Sorry for taking over a year to do a relatively small amount of changes.

Gameplay Changes

  • New gameplay style options! Add multiplication/division problems to the math game, or play in Safe Mode for a stress-free experience
  • The Principal will now only be able to see you when you can obviously see him. This is essentially just nerfing his x-ray vision that allowed him to see you through multiple sets of yellow doors.

Other Changes

  • The game will now check for updates. In the launcher, you will be prompted to download a new update if a new version is found. The code I used for this is based on code created by Hamza Herbou, which can be found here.
  • Added settings for BGM, SFX, and Voice audio
  • Added the ability to reset your data
  • Added new icons that appear in the center of the screen when you can interact with something. For example, doors and picking up items will show a hand, having the quarter selected while looking at a vending machine will show a quarter, etc.
  • There's two different versions of the same secret ending now: one for getting all questions wrong with safe mode turned on, and one without using safe mode.

Bug Fixes

  • Finally fixed Arts and Crafters teleporting you to the wrong place in Juniper Hills. Only took me a year to fix it lmao

I'm sure there's a lot more that I'm forgetting. I haven't really been keeping a log of what I've done, so this is just everything from memory that I can think of.

Beta 0.3.1

17 May 03:53
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Technically the first real release of this mod.

Changes made from last release:

  • Added a launcher
  • ....i think thats it. lol.

Alpha 0.3.1 - 23w19d

13 May 03:28
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Prerelease of version 0.3.1

  • New Map: Juniper Hills!
  • Added the extended math music theme
  • Bugfixes and tweaks

Alpha 0.3.0

26 Apr 03:40
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  • The Baldicator has arrived!
  • New setting: Instant Reset
  • Added the original Classic map
  • Modified secret ending
  • More bugfixes
  • some more stuff i probably forgot about

Alpha 0.2.0

14 Apr 03:59
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  • New Item: Speedy Sneakers!
  • There is now a setting in the options to enable the new Additional Music.
  • Proper resizable window support
  • New title screen
  • Fixed Baldi's AI so now his anger actually works properly (it was locked at 0 points in the previous build)
  • Some quality of life improvements
  • Bugfixes

Alpha 0.1.0

29 Mar 03:40
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Some important notes:

This is only a proof-of-concept. Although the map is playable, Baldi's AI was significantly changed for testing purposes (basically, i removed his ability to speed up lol).

Some things are still a bit broken, but eh, I'll fix it soon™