- Kotlin
- Kotlin (kotlin-android)
- dataBinding layout
- Android architecture components
- Koin for DI
- MVVM pattern
- Network
- Retrofit2
- Okhttp3
- AndroidX components
- Constraint layout
- Material layout
- Recyclerview
- Image Processing
- Glide
- Debugging
- Stetho for Okhttp and db debugging
- Flipper for Okhttp and db debugging
- Logging
- Timber
- Github Actions
- Coding Style
- Kotlin Coding Conventions
- https://velog.io/@lsb156/IntelliJ-Kotlin-Code-Style-%EC%84%A4%EC%A0%95%EB%B2%95
You have to apply API-KEY first.
- Open local.properties in your project.
- https://developer.marvel.com/ Get an API-KEY from the site
- Finally, Insert a value corresponding to the following API-KEY
in local.properties
marvel_private_key = "marvel_private_key"
marvel_public_key = "marvel_public_key"
- Requirements
- 300 millis threshold
- Recent searches feature
- Scroll save be reused
- Requirements
- LayoutManager with two types ( Grid,Staggered )
- Requirements
- Select save be resused
- Single slected
- Pagination
- Pull to Refresh
- Requirements
- Start unit test code
- Code coverage over 50%
- Dark mode
- Foldables layout
- Scoped storage enforcement
- SplashScreen
- android:exported required
- Custom notification