jdbc-env-repo-sample Public
Forked from keeplearningandtrying/jdbc-env-repo-sampleSample implementation to retrieve application configurations from database with Spring Cloud.
aws-apigw-http-api-private--integrations Public
Forked from aws-samples/aws-apigw-http-api-private--integrations -
former2 Public
Forked from iann0036/former2Generate CloudFormation / Terraform / Troposphere templates from your existing AWS resources.
troposphere Public
Forked from cloudtools/tropospheretroposphere - Python library to create AWS CloudFormation descriptions
aws-app-mesh-examples Public
Forked from aws/aws-app-mesh-examplesAWS App Mesh is a service mesh that you can use with your microservices to manage service to service communication.
examples Public
Forked from serverless/examplesServerless Examples – A collection of boilerplates and examples of serverless architectures built with the Serverless Framework on AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Functions, and more.
aws-codedeploy-samples Public
Forked from aws-samples/aws-codedeploy-samplesSamples and template scenarios for AWS CodeDeploy
CloudFormation-Deep-Dive Public
Forked from natonic/CloudFormation-Deep-DiveCourse files for CloudFormation Deep Dive
aws_codedeploy_using_github Public
Forked from prabhakar2020/aws_codedeploy_using_github -
deploy-spring-microservices-to-aws-ecs-fargate Public
Forked from in28minutes/deploy-spring-microservices-to-aws-ecs-fargateTake your first steps towards cloud with AWS ECS Fargate. Deploy REST APIs and Microservices with Spring Boot and Docker Containers to the cloud.
aws-certification-notes Public
Forked from jangroth/aws-certification-notesMy AWS cert notes.
1 UpdatedJun 24, 2020 -
AdvancedCloudFormation Public
Forked from ACloudGuru/AdvancedCloudFormation -
docker-crash-course Public
Forked from in28minutes/docker-crash-courseDocker for beginners - with Java and Spring Boot Applications and Microservices
multi-container-nginx-react-node-mongo Public
Forked from LukeMwila/multi-container-nginx-react-node-mongoMulti container application with Nginx, React, Node and Mongo DB. This repository also contains Terraform IaC (Infrastructure as Code) for a CICD pipeline to build and push images to DockerHub.
SpringCloudVideoCourse Public
Forked from simplyi/SpringCloudVideoCourse -
docker-ecs-lab Public
Forked from bikrambora/docker-ecs-labBuild and Run a Containerized Web Application using Docker and Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
sentimentAnalysisLab Public
Forked from rahulbaisla/sentimentAnalysisLab