🔭 currently working ...
I currently work as a Devops Engineer by day, but I'm still very much at the beginning of my working life. However, I had the opportunity to move from Java, Maven and co (Java EE, JSF, Tomcat, SVN, MySQL etc) to activities ranging from Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Virtulalisation, GitOps, Kubernetes, CI/CD and some GO as well as shell scripting. And this is just the beginning.
🌱 learning ...
I look forward to any challenge that comes my way. At night I spend most of my time on single board computers, mainly Rasperry Pi's. I try to work on my own projects or use existing repositories and adapt them to my needs. I am also learning Python and C++ as well as I can, even if it is difficult in terms of time. I am constantly expanding my knowledge of all major operating systems, including Linux (mainly Debian/Ubuntu), MacOS (Unix) and also Windows.
👯 collaborate on ...
🤔 help me with ...
💬 ask me about ...
Security and privacy are very important to me, both at work and at home. You realise how tedious even small projects can be if you want to find a secure solution according to current standards. I want to spread awareness of security and privacy in all areas of our digital lives. I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go, but I'm looking forward to the journey. The journey is the reward. I'm looking forward to helping others along the way, and perhaps being helped even more.