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Merge pull request #1057 from IntersectMBO/mgalazyn/test/compatible-t…
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    Fix signing of a transaction in `compatible shelley transaction signed-transaction` command by not using an incomplete body for signing
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carbolymer authored Feb 28, 2025
2 parents ca174fe + 5e20af4 commit c1b0f43
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Showing 12 changed files with 310 additions and 166 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ repository cardano-haskell-packages
-- you need to run if you change them
, 2024-12-24T12:56:48Z
, cardano-haskell-packages 2025-02-15T18:39:38Z
, cardano-haskell-packages 2025-02-28T13:16:07Z

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion cardano-cli/cardano-cli.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ library
cardano-api ^>=10.9,
cardano-api ^>=10.10,
cardano-crypto-class ^>=2.1.2,
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184 changes: 76 additions & 108 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/Compatible/Transaction/Run.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ where

import Cardano.Api
import Cardano.Api.Compatible
import Cardano.Api.Ledger qualified as L
import Cardano.Api.Shelley hiding (VotingProcedures)

import Cardano.CLI.Compatible.Exception
Expand All @@ -25,14 +27,21 @@ import Cardano.CLI.EraBased.Script.Vote.Type
import Cardano.CLI.EraBased.Transaction.Run
import Cardano.CLI.Read
import Cardano.CLI.Type.Common
import Cardano.CLI.Type.Error.TxCmdError
import Cardano.CLI.Type.TxFeature

import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Exts (toList)
import Lens.Micro

data CompatibleTransactionError
= forall err. Error err => CompatibleFileError (FileError err)
| CompatibleProposalError !ProposalError

instance Show CompatibleTransactionError where
show = show . prettyError

instance Error CompatibleTransactionError where
prettyError = \case
CompatibleFileError e -> prettyError e
CompatibleProposalError e -> pshow e

:: forall era e
Expand All @@ -51,108 +60,67 @@ runCompatibleTransactionCmd
) = do
shelleyBasedEraConstraints sbe $ do
sks <- mapM (fromEitherIOCli . readWitnessSigningData) witnesses

allOuts <- fromExceptTCli $ mapM (toTxOutInAnyEra sbe) outs

certFilesAndMaybeScriptWits <-
fromExceptTCli $
readCertificateScriptWitnesses sbe certificates

certsAndMaybeScriptWits <-
liftIO $
[ fmap (,cswScriptWitness <$> mSwit) $
fromEitherIOCli $
readFileTextEnvelope AsCertificate $
File certFile
| (CertificateFile certFile, mSwit) <- certFilesAndMaybeScriptWits

(protocolUpdates, votes) :: (AnyProtocolUpdate era, AnyVote era) <-
( const $ do
case mUpdateProposal of
Nothing -> return (NoPParamsUpdate sbe, NoVotes)
Just p -> do
pparamUpdate <- readUpdateProposalFile p
return (pparamUpdate, NoVotes)
( \w ->
case mProposalProcedure of
Nothing -> return (NoPParamsUpdate sbe, NoVotes)
Just prop -> do
pparamUpdate <- readProposalProcedureFile prop
votesAndWits <- fromEitherIOCli $ readVotingProceduresFiles w mVotes
votingProcedures <-
fromEitherCli $ mkTxVotingProcedures [(v, vswScriptWitness <$> mSwit) | (v, mSwit) <- votesAndWits]
return (pparamUpdate, VotingProcedures w votingProcedures)

let certsRefInputs =
[ refInput
| (_, Just sWit) <- certsAndMaybeScriptWits
, refInput <- maybeToList $ getScriptWitnessReferenceInput sWit

votesRefInputs =
[ refInput
| VotingProcedures _ (TxVotingProcedures _ (BuildTxWith voteMap)) <- [votes]
, sWit <- Map.elems voteMap
, refInput <- maybeToList $ getScriptWitnessReferenceInput sWit

proposalsRefInputs =
[ refInput
| ProposalProcedures _ (TxProposalProcedures proposalMap) <- [protocolUpdates]
, BuildTxWith (Just sWit) <- map snd $ toList proposalMap
, refInput <- maybeToList $ getScriptWitnessReferenceInput sWit

validatedRefInputs <-
fromEitherCli . validateTxInsReference $
certsRefInputs <> votesRefInputs <> proposalsRefInputs
let txCerts = mkTxCertificates sbe certsAndMaybeScriptWits

-- this body is only for witnesses
apiTxBody <-
fromEitherCli $
createTransactionBody sbe $
defaultTxBodyContent sbe
& setTxIns (map (,BuildTxWith (KeyWitness KeyWitnessForSpending)) ins)
& setTxOuts allOuts
& setTxFee (TxFeeExplicit sbe fee)
& setTxCertificates txCerts
& setTxInsReference validatedRefInputs

let (sksByron, sksShelley) = partitionSomeWitnesses $ map categoriseSomeSigningWitness sks

byronWitnesses <-
fromEitherCli $
mkShelleyBootstrapWitnesses sbe mNetworkId apiTxBody sksByron

let newShelleyKeyWits = map (makeShelleyKeyWitness sbe apiTxBody) sksShelley
allKeyWits = newShelleyKeyWits ++ byronWitnesses

signedTx <-
fromEitherCli $
createCompatibleSignedTx sbe ins allOuts allKeyWits fee protocolUpdates votes txCerts

fromEitherIOCli $
writeTxFileTextEnvelopeCddl sbe outputFp signedTx
:: [TxIn]
-> Either TxCmdError (TxInsReference era)
validateTxInsReference [] = return TxInsReferenceNone
validateTxInsReference allRefIns = do
let era = toCardanoEra era
eraMismatchError = Left $ TxCmdTxFeatureMismatch (anyCardanoEra era) TxFeatureReferenceInputs
w <- maybe eraMismatchError Right $ forEraMaybeEon era
pure $ TxInsReference w allRefIns
) = shelleyBasedEraConstraints sbe $ do
sks <- mapM (fromEitherIOCli . readWitnessSigningData) witnesses

allOuts <- fromEitherIOCli . runExceptT $ mapM (toTxOutInAnyEra sbe) outs

certFilesAndMaybeScriptWits <-
fromExceptTCli $
readCertificateScriptWitnesses sbe certificates

certsAndMaybeScriptWits <-
liftIO $
[ fmap (,cswScriptWitness <$> mSwit) $
fromEitherIOCli $
readFileTextEnvelope AsCertificate $
File certFile
| (CertificateFile certFile, mSwit) <- certFilesAndMaybeScriptWits

(protocolUpdates, votes) :: (AnyProtocolUpdate era, AnyVote era) <-
( const $ do
case mUpdateProposal of
Nothing -> return (NoPParamsUpdate sbe, NoVotes)
Just p -> do
pparamUpdate <- readUpdateProposalFile p
return (pparamUpdate, NoVotes)
( \w ->
case mProposalProcedure of
Nothing -> return (NoPParamsUpdate sbe, NoVotes)
Just prop -> do
pparamUpdate <- readProposalProcedureFile prop
votesAndWits <- fromEitherIOCli (readVotingProceduresFiles w mVotes)
votingProcedures <-
fromEitherCli $ mkTxVotingProcedures [(v, vswScriptWitness <$> mSwit) | (v, mSwit) <- votesAndWits]
return (pparamUpdate, VotingProcedures w votingProcedures)

let txCerts = mkTxCertificates sbe certsAndMaybeScriptWits

transaction@(ShelleyTx _ ledgerTx) <-
fromEitherCli $
createCompatibleTx sbe ins allOuts fee protocolUpdates votes txCerts

let txBody = ledgerTx ^. L.bodyTxL

let (sksByron, sksShelley) = partitionSomeWitnesses $ map categoriseSomeSigningWitness sks

byronWitnesses <-
forM sksByron $
. mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe mNetworkId txBody

let newShelleyKeyWits = makeShelleyKeyWitness' sbe txBody <$> sksShelley
allKeyWits = newShelleyKeyWits ++ byronWitnesses
signedTx = addWitnesses allKeyWits transaction

fromEitherIOCli $
writeTxFileTextEnvelopeCddl sbe outputFp signedTx

:: Featured ShelleyToBabbageEra era (Maybe UpdateProposalFile)
Expand Down
67 changes: 19 additions & 48 deletions cardano-cli/src/Cardano/CLI/EraBased/Transaction/Run.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
{- HLINT ignore "Avoid lambda using `infix`" -}

module Cardano.CLI.EraBased.Transaction.Run
( mkShelleyBootstrapWitnesses
, partitionSomeWitnesses
( partitionSomeWitnesses
, runTransactionCmds
, runTransactionBuildCmd
, runTransactionBuildRawCmd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ import Cardano.CLI.EraBased.Transaction.Internal.HashCheck
import Cardano.CLI.Orphan ()
import Cardano.CLI.Read
import Cardano.CLI.Type.Common
import Cardano.CLI.Type.Error.BootstrapWitnessError
import Cardano.CLI.Type.Error.NodeEraMismatchError
import Cardano.CLI.Type.Error.TxCmdError
import Cardano.CLI.Type.Error.TxValidationError
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1449,9 +1447,9 @@ runTransactionSignCmd
{ txOrTxBodyFile = txOrTxBody
, witnessSigningData = witnessSigningData
, mNetworkId = mNetworkId
, outTxFile = outTxFile
, witnessSigningData
, mNetworkId
, outTxFile
} = do
sks <- forM witnessSigningData $ \d ->
lift (readWitnessSigningData d)
Expand All @@ -1464,17 +1462,19 @@ runTransactionSignCmd
inputTxFile <- liftIO $ fileOrPipe inputTxFilePath
anyTx <- lift (readFileTx inputTxFile) & onLeft (left . TxCmdTextEnvCddlError)

InAnyShelleyBasedEra sbe tx <- pure anyTx
InAnyShelleyBasedEra sbe tx@(ShelleyTx _ ledgerTx) <- pure anyTx

let (txbody, existingTxKeyWits) = getTxBodyAndWitnesses tx
let (apiTxBody, existingTxKeyWits) = getTxBodyAndWitnesses tx

byronWitnesses <-
pure (mkShelleyBootstrapWitnesses sbe mNetworkId txbody sksByron)
& onLeft (left . TxCmdBootstrapWitnessError)
firstExceptT TxCmdBootstrapWitnessError . liftEither $
forM sksByron $
shelleyBasedEraConstraints sbe $
mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe mNetworkId (ledgerTx ^. L.bodyTxL)

let newShelleyKeyWits = map (makeShelleyKeyWitness sbe txbody) sksShelley
let newShelleyKeyWits = map (makeShelleyKeyWitness sbe apiTxBody) sksShelley
allKeyWits = existingTxKeyWits ++ newShelleyKeyWits ++ byronWitnesses
signedTx = makeSignedTransaction allKeyWits txbody
signedTx = makeSignedTransaction allKeyWits apiTxBody

lift (writeTxFileTextEnvelopeCddl sbe outTxFile signedTx)
& onLeft (left . TxCmdWriteFileError)
Expand All @@ -1486,14 +1486,14 @@ runTransactionSignCmd

case unwitnessed of
IncompleteCddlTxBody anyTxBody -> do
InAnyShelleyBasedEra sbe txbody <- pure anyTxBody
InAnyShelleyBasedEra sbe txbody@(ShelleyTxBody _ ledgerTxBody _ _ _ _) <- pure anyTxBody

-- Byron witnesses require the network ID. This can either be provided
-- directly or derived from a provided Byron address.
byronWitnesses <-
firstExceptT TxCmdBootstrapWitnessError
. hoistEither
$ mkShelleyBootstrapWitnesses sbe mNetworkId txbody sksByron
firstExceptT TxCmdBootstrapWitnessError . liftEither $
forM sksByron $
mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe mNetworkId ledgerTxBody

let shelleyKeyWitnesses = map (makeShelleyKeyWitness sbe txbody) sksShelley
tx = makeSignedTransaction (byronWitnesses ++ shelleyKeyWitnesses) txbody
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1764,34 +1764,6 @@ partitionSomeWitnesses = reversePartitionedWits . Foldable.foldl' go mempty
AShelleyKeyWitness shelleyKeyWit ->
(byronAcc, shelleyKeyWit : shelleyKeyAcc)

-- | Construct a Shelley bootstrap witness (i.e. a Byron key witness in the
-- Shelley era).
:: ()
=> ShelleyBasedEra era
-> Maybe NetworkId
-> TxBody era
-> ShelleyBootstrapWitnessSigningKeyData
-> Either BootstrapWitnessError (KeyWitness era)
mkShelleyBootstrapWitness _ Nothing _ (ShelleyBootstrapWitnessSigningKeyData _ Nothing) =
Left MissingNetworkIdOrByronAddressError
mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe (Just nw) txBody (ShelleyBootstrapWitnessSigningKeyData skey Nothing) =
Right $ makeShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe (Byron.WitnessNetworkId nw) txBody skey
mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe _ txBody (ShelleyBootstrapWitnessSigningKeyData skey (Just addr)) =
Right $ makeShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe (Byron.WitnessByronAddress addr) txBody skey

-- | Attempt to construct Shelley bootstrap witnesses until an error is
-- encountered.
:: ()
=> ShelleyBasedEra era
-> Maybe NetworkId
-> TxBody era
-> [ShelleyBootstrapWitnessSigningKeyData]
-> Either BootstrapWitnessError [KeyWitness era]
mkShelleyBootstrapWitnesses sbe mnw txBody =
mapM (mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe mnw txBody)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Other misc small commands
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1857,7 +1829,7 @@ runTransactionWitnessCmd
readFileTxBody txbodyFile
case unwitnessed of
IncompleteCddlTxBody anyTxBody -> do
InAnyShelleyBasedEra sbe txbody <- pure anyTxBody
InAnyShelleyBasedEra sbe txbody@(ShelleyTxBody _ ledgerTxBody _ _ _ _) <- pure anyTxBody
someWit <-
firstExceptT TxCmdReadWitnessSigningDataError
. newExceptT
Expand All @@ -1867,9 +1839,8 @@ runTransactionWitnessCmd
-- Byron witnesses require the network ID. This can either be provided
-- directly or derived from a provided Byron address.
AByronWitness bootstrapWitData ->
firstExceptT TxCmdBootstrapWitnessError
. hoistEither
$ mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe mNetworkId txbody bootstrapWitData
firstExceptT TxCmdBootstrapWitnessError . liftEither $
mkShelleyBootstrapWitness sbe mNetworkId ledgerTxBody bootstrapWitData
AShelleyKeyWitness skShelley ->
pure $ makeShelleyKeyWitness sbe txbody skShelley

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