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Jimbo4350 committed Feb 27, 2025
1 parent 811f727 commit 8b9e4cd
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Showing 2 changed files with 29 additions and 50 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Language qualified as L
-- The deserialization of this type looks at the
-- major protocol version and the script language to determine if
-- indeed the script is runnable. This is a dramatic improvement over the old api
-- which essentially read a 'ByteString'. Any failures due to malformed/invalid scripts
-- were caught upon transaction submission or running the script when attempting to
-- predict the necessary execution units.
-- which essentially read a 'ByteString' and hoped for the best.
-- Any failures due to malformed/invalid scripts were caught upon transaction
-- submission or running the script when attempting to predict the necessary execution units.
-- Where do we get the major protocol version from?
-- In order to access the major protocol version we pass in an 'era` type parameter which
Expand All @@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ import Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Language qualified as L
-- The serialized version of 'PlutusRunnable' encodes the script language.
-- See `DecCBOR (PlutusRunnable l)` in cardano-ledger for more details.
data PlutusScriptInEra (lang :: L.Language) era where
:: PlutusRunnable lang -> PlutusScriptInEra lang era
PlutusScriptInEra :: PlutusRunnable lang -> PlutusScriptInEra lang era

deriving instance Show (PlutusScriptInEra lang era)

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -276,6 +276,7 @@ getAnyWitnessScriptData eon (AnyPlutusScriptWitness (PlutusScriptWitness l _ scr
Nothing -> alonzoEraOnwardsConstraints eon mempty
Just d -> alonzoEraOnwardsConstraints eon $ L.TxDats $ fromList [(L.hashData d, d)]

-- | This type collects all the requirements for script witnesses in a transaction.
data TxScriptWitnessRequirements era
= TxScriptWitnessRequirements
(Set L.Language)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -331,10 +332,6 @@ obtainMonoidConstraint eon = case eon of
AlonzoEraOnwardsBabbage -> id
AlonzoEraOnwardsConway -> id

-- So how would the new api look? We would paramterize on data Era and
-- always have two cases instead of multipl cases
-- We could also parameterize on the IsEra era type class for exposed functions

:: ShelleyBasedEra era -> AnyWitness (ShelleyLedgerEra era) -> Maybe (L.Script (ShelleyLedgerEra era))
getAnyWitnessScript _ AnyKeyWitness = Nothing
Expand All @@ -361,38 +358,37 @@ fromPlutusRunnable
-> AlonzoEraOnwards era
-> L.PlutusRunnable lang
-> Maybe (L.PlutusScript (ShelleyLedgerEra era))
fromPlutusRunnable l@L.SPlutusV1 eon runnable =
fromPlutusRunnable L.SPlutusV1 eon runnable =
case eon of
AlonzoEraOnwardsAlonzo ->
let plutusScript = plutusFromRunnableAssist l runnable
let plutusScript = L.plutusFromRunnable runnable
in Just $ L.AlonzoPlutusV1 plutusScript
AlonzoEraOnwardsBabbage ->
let plutusScript = plutusFromRunnableAssist l runnable
let plutusScript = L.plutusFromRunnable runnable
in Just $ L.BabbagePlutusV1 plutusScript
AlonzoEraOnwardsConway ->
let plutusScript = plutusFromRunnableAssist l runnable
let plutusScript = L.plutusFromRunnable runnable
in Just $ L.ConwayPlutusV1 plutusScript
fromPlutusRunnable l@L.SPlutusV2 eon runnable =
fromPlutusRunnable L.SPlutusV2 eon runnable =
case eon of
AlonzoEraOnwardsAlonzo -> Nothing
AlonzoEraOnwardsBabbage ->
let plutusScript = plutusFromRunnableAssist l runnable
let plutusScript = L.plutusFromRunnable runnable
in Just $ L.BabbagePlutusV2 plutusScript
AlonzoEraOnwardsConway ->
let plutusScript = plutusFromRunnableAssist l runnable
let plutusScript = L.plutusFromRunnable runnable
in Just $ L.ConwayPlutusV2 plutusScript
fromPlutusRunnable l@L.SPlutusV3 eon runnable =
fromPlutusRunnable L.SPlutusV3 eon runnable =
case eon of
AlonzoEraOnwardsAlonzo -> Nothing
AlonzoEraOnwardsBabbage -> Nothing
AlonzoEraOnwardsConway ->
let plutusScript = plutusFromRunnableAssist l runnable
let plutusScript = L.plutusFromRunnable runnable
in Just $ L.ConwayPlutusV3 plutusScript

-- Created purely to help type inference
plutusFromRunnableAssist :: L.SLanguage lang -> L.PlutusRunnable lang -> L.Plutus lang
plutusFromRunnableAssist _ = L.plutusFromRunnable

-- | These are all of the "things" a plutus script can witness. We include the relevant
-- type class constraint to avoid boilerplate when creating the 'PlutusPurpose' in
-- the 'GetPlutusScriptPurpose' instances.
data Witnessable thing era where
WitTxIn :: L.AlonzoEraScript era => TxIn -> Witnessable TxIn era
WitTxCert :: L.AlonzoEraScript era => Cert -> Witnessable Cert era
Expand All @@ -418,14 +414,16 @@ type Voter = Api.AnyVoter

type Proposal = Api.AnyProposal

-- | In order to reduce boilerplate we reuse cardano-ledger's PlutusPurpose type. This
-- type is used in the construction of the redeemer pointers map. The redeemer pointers map
-- connects the redeemer and execution units to the thing being witnessed. The map is
-- indexed by redeemer pointer!
-- So the natural question is how do the Plutus script witnesses know what
-- execution units and redeemer is paired with it? The ledger constructs a pointer
-- for every Plutus script and this pointer corresponds to the pointer constructed
-- in the redeemer pointer map. See 'collectPlutusScriptsWithContext' in 'cardano-ledger'.
-- | To reduce boilerplate, we reuse the `PlutusPurpose` type from `cardano-ledger`.
-- This type is utilized in constructing the redeemer pointers map, which
-- links the redeemer and execution units with the entity being witnessed.
-- The map is indexed by the redeemer pointer.
-- A natural question arises: How do Plutus scripts determine which
-- execution units and redeemer are paired with them? The ledger constructs a redeemer pointer
-- for every Plutus script, and this pointer corresponds to the one in the transaction's
-- redeemer pointers map. For more details, refer to `collectPlutusScriptsWithContext`
-- in `cardano-ledger`.
class GetPlutusScriptPurpose era where
:: Word32
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,17 +464,8 @@ createIndexedPlutusScriptWitnesses witnessableThings =
| (index, (thing, AnyPlutusScriptWitness sWit)) <- zip [0 ..] witnessableThings

The transaction redeemer pointer map allows the ledger to connect a redeemer and execution unit pairing to the relevant
script. The ledger basically reconstructs the indicies of this map can then look up the relevant pairing.
-- This is the smoking gun. The truth is in Conway votes and proposals were introduced.
-- Therefore only in conway we should be allowed to get votes and props being paired with
-- witnesses. Can we express this in the type system? Witnessable will have to be parameterized
-- on era and we would need a type family to enforce this relation ship
-- Witnessable era witnessable -> AnyWitness era -> (Witnessable era witnessable, AnyWitness era)
-- And we can be explict about the pairings! We would need the result type of the family to be CanBePaired era witnessable

-- | The transaction redeemer pointer map allows the ledger to connect a redeemer and execution unit pairing to the relevant
-- script. The ledger basically reconstructs the indicies of this map can then look up the relevant pairing.
:: AlonzoEraOnwards era
-> (Witnessable witnessable (ShelleyLedgerEra era), AnyWitness (ShelleyLedgerEra era))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -505,10 +494,6 @@ constructRedeemerPointer eon (AnyIndexedPlutusScriptWitness (IndexedPlutusScript
L.Redeemers $
fromList [(purpose, (toAlonzoData redeemer, toAlonzoExUnits execUnits))]


:: AlonzoEraOnwards era
-> L.SLanguage plutuslang
Expand All @@ -524,8 +509,3 @@ mkPlutusScriptWitness _ l plutusScriptRunnable datum scriptRedeemer execUnits =

Check warning

Code scanning / HLint

Eta reduce Warning

cardano-api/src/Cardano/Api/Internal/Experimental/Plutus/ScriptWitness.hs:(223,1)-(229,13): Warning: Eta reduce
    = PlutusScriptWitness
        l (PScript $ PlutusScriptInEra plutusScriptRunnable) datum
        scriptRedeemer execUnits
  mkPlutusScriptWitness _ l plutusScriptRunnable
    = PlutusScriptWitness
        l (PScript $ PlutusScriptInEra plutusScriptRunnable)



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