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Alberto Del Villano edited this page Feb 7, 2025 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the Custom Fluid Mixin wiki! Custom Fluid Mixin is a mod that let you change or add via datapacks what a flowing fluid should generate when touching other fluids/blocks.

Updated to 1.6.0

Fluid mixins are placed in data/<namespace>/custom_fluid_mixin.


Fields are mandatory unless specified

  • type: mixin type, can be "flowing_block" or "block_transform"
  • flowing: the fluid tag (e.g. don't use "minecraft:water", use "#minecraft:water") that's flowing
  • blocks_nearby: list of blocks or block tags nearby required for the result to apply. Requires at least one block. Must use fluid tags for fluids
  • fizz: If the fizz animation will be played (sound + particles)
  • result: Object that contains data about what's gonna happen when the mixin succeeds
  • jei_only: If true will make the transformation will only show on JEI and not happen in the world. Useful if the transformation is already added by other mods and you want to add the mixin to JEI

Fields for "flowing_block"

No specific fields

Fields for "block_transform"

  • block_to_transform: block or block tag that will transform when flowing block, flows near it


  • type: result type, can be "block", "explosion", "function"
  • chance: Chance for the mixin to succeed

"blocks" result

  • blocks: The possible blocks to generate from the mixing with weights. Either this or block must be present
    • A single block with weight
      • block: The block id
      • weight: The weight to choose this block to generate
  • block: The block id to generate. Either this or blocks must be present

"explosion" result

  • explosion_power: The power of the explosion generated from the mixing
  • fire: If the explosion generates fire

"function" result

  • function: The function to execute from the mixing


Example Data Pack