This folder contains a collection of policies, standard procedures and guidelines we adhere to in the Goldsmiths InfantLab. These documents are intended to help lab members get aquainted with the culture of the lab, and to help collaborators and colleagues see how we do things.
The two important documents are
- Code of Conduct
- General Guidelines - note this is still being adapted.
Other guides you will find here eventually,
Thank you, Dr Caspar Addyman
UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED on individual documents, to the extent possible under law, we waive all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. The policy documents available in this repository are public domain. Please feel free to copy, remix and adapt these policies for your own lab. Credit is cool but not strictly necessary, if you want to give a shout out, link back to us.
These principles and documents were adapted and adopted from the orignals created by Christie Bahlai