TurnFix is a program to manage gymnastics competition data. It was build mainly for competitions held in Germany and is currently available in German only.
Builds with Qt5.13 and MinGW on Windows. To Build it successful https://github.com/abhijitkundu/QtPropertyBrowser.git must be cloned to libs.
To execute the program some additional files are necesarry and must be copied to execution folder. From Qt\5.13.0\mingw73_64\bin folder:
- libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
- libstdc++-6.dll
- libwinpthread-1.dll
- Qt5Cored.dll
- Qt5Guid.dll
- QtNetworkd.dll
- QtPrintSupportd.dll
- QtSqld.dll
- QtWidgetsd.dll
From PostGreSQL 11 folder:
- libeay32.dll
- libpq.dll
- ssleay32.dll
- libiconv-2.dll
- libintl-9.dll
Apache 2.0