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Argent Bank API

This codebase contains the code needed to run the backend for Argent Bank.

Getting Started


Argent Bank uses the following tech stack:

Please make sure you have the right versions and download both packages. You can verify this by using the following commands in your terminal:

# Check Node.js version
node --version

# Check Mongo version
mongo --version


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone the repo onto your computer
  3. Open a terminal window in the cloned project
  4. Run the following commands:
# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start local dev server
npm run dev:server

# Populate database with two users
npm run populate-db

Your server should now be running at http://locahost:3001 and you will now have two users in your MongoDB database!

Populated Database Data

Once you run the populate-db script, you should have two users in your database:

Tony Stark

  • First Name: Tony
  • Last Name: Stark
  • Email:
  • Password: password123

Steve Rogers

  • First Name: Steve,
  • Last Name: Rogers,
  • Email:,
  • Password: password456

API Documentation

To learn more about how the API works, once you have started your local environment, you can visit: http://localhost:3001/api-docs

Design Assets

Static HTML and CSS has been created for most of the site and is located in: /designs.

For some of the dynamic features, like toggling user editing, there is a mock-up for it in /designs/wireframes/edit-user-name.png.

And for the API model that you will be proposing for transactitons, the wireframe can be found in /designs/wireframes/transactions.png.

je peux me co directement sur le serveur en faisant nom run dev:server