work in progress
This is a portfolio website using React as frontend, ExpressJS for backend and Mongoose as persistence layer.
git clone
2. Go to the project folder and install all the dependencies for both the development client and backend.
$ cd client && npm install
$ cd ../backend && npm install
This is where you specify your environment variables, such as:
-the database connection string
-the authentication name and password for your database user (you must create one via mongo shell first to authenticate against your database)
-the email and password that the server will be using to send emails when using the enquiry form
-the target email that all the enquiries are mailed to
Example of .env:
4. Seed your database with the data from backend/data_seed folder, either via MongoDB Compass or mongo shell.
From the top-level project directory
I. cd client/ && npm start (starts react dev server at localhost:3000)
II. node backend/bin/www (starts backend at localhost:3001)