TMDB movie data set is used to investigate and analyze data.It contains information about 10,000 movies collected from The Movie Database (TMDb), including user ratings and revenue.
Using this Data set we can analyze below questions :
1.Profit Trends of movies over the years
2.Movies with Popular runtime over the time
3.Popularity Trend of movies
4.Budget,Revenue and profit distribution.
# Use this cell to set up import statements for all of the packages that you
# plan to use.
# Remember to include a 'magic word' so that your visualizations are plotted
# inline with the notebook. See this page for more:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
% matplotlib inline
There are total 21 columns in the given data set. There are 10866 rows.
Null values are present in below columns:
imdb_id , cast , homepage , director , tagline , keywords , overview , genres , production_companies
For further analysing of data need to drop unused columns, drop duplicate rows and rows with null values for genres since it is used for answering some of the above questions.Calculate profit column and remove rows with 0 profit
Loading csv file and displaying information about data set
# Load your data and print out a few lines. Perform operations to inspect data
# types and look for instances of missing or possibly errant data.
df = pd.read_csv('tmdb-movies.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 10866 entries, 0 to 10865
Data columns (total 21 columns):
id 10866 non-null int64
imdb_id 10856 non-null object
popularity 10866 non-null float64
budget 10866 non-null int64
revenue 10866 non-null int64
original_title 10866 non-null object
cast 10790 non-null object
homepage 2936 non-null object
director 10822 non-null object
tagline 8042 non-null object
keywords 9373 non-null object
overview 10862 non-null object
runtime 10866 non-null int64
genres 10843 non-null object
production_companies 9836 non-null object
release_date 10866 non-null object
vote_count 10866 non-null int64
vote_average 10866 non-null float64
release_year 10866 non-null int64
budget_adj 10866 non-null float64
revenue_adj 10866 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), int64(6), object(11)
memory usage: 1.7+ MB
In this section we're going to sift through data . Remove unused columns,Remove duplicate rows and remove rows with invalid values to make a cleaner data set for analysis.
Printing rows and columns in data set
print('Total rows and coulmns before data cleaning',df.shape)
Total rows and coulmns before data cleaning (10866, 21)
Deleting Unused columns
df.drop(['id','imdb_id','budget','revenue','cast','homepage','director','tagline','keywords','overview','production_companies','release_date','vote_count','vote_average'], axis=1, inplace=True)
Removing duplicate records
Removing rows which has 'genres' value empty
df.dropna(subset=['genres'], inplace=True)
Replace data which has 0 with NaN and Removing rows which has NaN for value in any column/row
converting popularity ,runtime , budget and revenue to int type
df[['popularity','runtime','budget_adj', 'revenue_adj']] = df[['popularity','runtime','budget_adj', 'revenue_adj']].applymap(np.int64)
calculating and Adding profit column using budget_adj and revenune_adj columns and providing index of newly added column. Assuming currency in US dollars(USD/$)
Printing information about filtered data
print('Total rows and coulmns after data cleaning',df.shape)
Total rows and coulmns after data cleaning (3854, 8)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 3854 entries, 0 to 10848
Data columns (total 8 columns):
popularity 3854 non-null int64
original_title 3854 non-null object
runtime 3854 non-null int64
genres 3854 non-null object
release_year 3854 non-null int64
budget_adj 3854 non-null int64
revenue_adj 3854 non-null int64
profit 3854 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(6), object(2)
memory usage: 271.0+ KB
save new clean dataset to a csv file
df.to_csv('clean_tmdb_data.csv', index=False)
Maximum profit was in the year 2015 and Minimum profit was in the year 1966. profits are increasing from year 1980
Writing a function definition to find trend. It takes 5 parameters as inputs, which are used to calculate graph by getting data from clean dataset csv file which was created in previous section.Parameters are column to be shown on x-axis,column to be shown on y-axis. This function will return Maximum and Minumum value for given y_axis over x_axis
def find_trend(column_x,column_y):
#load clean data
df = pd.read_csv('clean_tmdb_data.csv')
#set graph size
plt.figure(figsize=(5,3), dpi = 120)
#plotting the graph
max_value = df.groupby(column_x)[column_y].sum().idxmax()
min_value = df.groupby(column_x)[column_y].sum().idxmin()
return max_value,min_value,plt
Labeling the graph : x-axis,y-axis and Title. Calling function find_trend with parameters release_year and profit to show graph and max/min values for profit over the years
#x-axis label
plt.xlabel('Release Year', fontsize = 10)
#y-axis label
plt.ylabel('Profits earned', fontsize = 10)
#title of the graph
plt.title('Profit Trends of movies')
print('Maximum profitable year',maxval)
print('Minimum profitable year',minval)
Maximum profitable year 2015
Minimum profitable year 1966
maximum runtime was in year 2011 and minimum runtime was in year 1969. runtime is consistently increasing over years till 2014 and after that there is a steady decline in runtime
Labeling the graph : x-axis,y-axis and Title . calling function find_trend with parameters release_year and runtime to show graph and max/min values for runtime over the years
#x-axis label
plt.xlabel('Release Year', fontsize = 10)
#y-axis label
plt.ylabel('Runtime', fontsize = 10)
#title of the graph
plt.title('Runtime of movies over the years')
print('Maximum runtime year',maxval)
print('Minimum runtime year',minval)
Maximum runtime year 2011
Minimum runtime year 1969
Movies were most popular in year 2015 and least popular in year 1966. Popularity of movies is consistently increasing over years
Labeling the graph : x-axis,y-axis and Title . calling function find_trend with parameters release_year and popularity to show graph and max/min values for popularity over the years
#x-axis label
plt.xlabel('Release Year', fontsize = 10)
#y-axis label
plt.ylabel('Popularity', fontsize = 10)
#title of the graph
plt.title('Popularity of movies over the years')
print('Most Popular year for movies',maxval)
print('Least Popular year for movies',minval)
Most Popular year for movies 2015
Least Popular year for movies 1966
There are very few high budget movies. Revenue and profit are proportional. There is no direct relation between budget and revenue. some of the low budget movies have shown more profit than revenue. This may be due to inaccurate data.
Loading clean dataset which was created from original dataset
df = pd.read_csv('clean_tmdb_data.csv')
Setting figure size
figure = plt.figure(figsize=(10,6),dpi=120)
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x10c980048>
Plotting histogram for budget_adj,revenue_adj and profit using different colors to differentiate them. Assigning labels to colors
stacked=False, color = ['r','b','g'],
bins = 30,label = ['Budget','Revenue', 'Profit'])
###Labeling the graph : x-axis,y-axis and Title
plt.xlabel('Amount in USD')
plt.ylabel('Number of Movies')
plt.title('Distribution of Budget,Revenue and Profit')
### Adding legend
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x10c2392e8>
In this Investigation we are able to find most profitable and least profitable years.Also about maximu/minimum runtime and most/least popular year for movies.
Some of the other information we can find is average profits are increasing in last few years and runtime is decresing from past few years. However to determine relation between increase in profits and decrease in runtime over years need to be analysed further.Also popularity for movies is consistenly increasing. This may be due to increase in modes of advertisement and internet connectivity to more people.
There are some limitations. Above observations may not be accurate, as statistical methods are not used to infer information and only basic visualizations are used. Further analysis is required to produce accurate information. some rows are deleted from data set due to non existent values , this may effect the analysis and USD is considered as common currency for columns reveneu_adj and budget_adj. This may effect the profit trend of movies over the years.
from subprocess import call
call(['python', '-m', 'nbconvert', 'Investigate_a_Dataset.ipynb'])