To install the senticnet package: Download manually tar file from Comment file line 20 (LICENCE) Run " python install " inside the folder in a terminal
Inspiration: Sometimes, when you don't know how to express your emotions, feelings: you play songs that correspond to your status. So we thought, why don't we choose a movie based on the last few songs we heard?
What it does Muvie gets your recent played songs on Spotify and reads your mood; then it recommends movies based on these moods.
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Try it out in the HappyBee GitHub Repo:
First, we train our movies database to cluster them based on emotions. Second, we select the last listened user's songs using Spotify API. Third, we search and analyze songs' lyrics and we discover the most relevant emotions. Forth, we compare emotional vectors of songs with those of movies in the database. Fifth, we suggest and show a list of movies corresponding the mood. When you click on the poster, you can also watch the trailer.
It was hard to find a good emotional dictionary and then a perfectly match between emotions and movies/songs. Users may also listen to weird songs or songs with no lyrics.
Clustering algorithm: we managed to find a good match between emotions and songs/movies. User Interface: interactive webapp in which user can login with his/her Spotify account and see the list of suggested movies. Functioning prototype that could explain our basic idea.
How to build app using different API, e.g., Spotify; implement a clustering algorithm utilizing emotional dictionary; help each others, work under-pressure, but also have a lot of fun together.
Our next steps are:
analyzing songs not only based on lyrics, but also on Audio properties and user preferences (movie already seen or corresponding to overall taste profile: mix or usual suggestion with emotions and current moods); improving the quality of the algorithm by analyzing words based on their meaning within the context of the sentence; adding buttons for appreciating how is the matching between the mood and the movies. suggesting songs based on movie.