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Ryan Christiani edited this page Apr 20, 2016 · 28 revisions

##Authentication All routes require you to be authorized. Make a GET request to /v1/user/authenticate to get your token. Every authenticated route requires a x-access-token header with your token sent.

####Available Fields

    sections: [{ 
        title: String, 
        lessons: [/* lesson objects */] 
    template: Boolean,
    term: String,
    instructor: String,
    description: String,
    students: [/* user objects */],
    title: String,
    created_at: Number,
    created_by: String,
    updated_at: Number,
    updated_by: String,
    start_date: Number,
    end_date: Number

###/v1/course/template GET Return all course templates

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.


  "course": [
      "_id": "564a44032e55ee5430afb11f",
      "title": "Boot Camp",
      "template": true,
      "created_at": 1447707651903,
      "updated_at": 1447862257479,
      "sections": [
      "_id": "564a448f2e55ee5430afb126",
      "title": "Part Time HTML/CSS",
      "template": true,
      "created_at": 1447707791273,
      "sections": [
      "_id": "564a449a2e55ee5430afb12d",
      "title": "Part Time Javascript",
      "template": true,
      "created_at": 1447707802957,
      "sections": [
      "_id": "564a44c22e55ee5430afb134",
      "title": "Part Time Ruby on Rails",
      "template": true,
      "created_at": 1447707842957,
      "sections": [

An array of lessons is returned as well.

###/v1/course/template POST Create course template

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.


    "title": "New Template"


	"course": {
	    "__v": 0,
	    "title": "A new template",
	    "template": true,
	    "created_at": 1448379344940,
	    "_id": "565483d076099d4b1bf5163d",
	    "students": [],
	    "sections": []

###/v1/course/template/:id GET Get specific course template

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
id : string 565483d076099d4b1bf5163d ID from template.


	"course": {
		"title": "A new template",
		"template": true,
		"created_at": 1448379344940,
		"sections": [...]

###/v1/course GET Return all courses

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.


    "course": [
			"_id": "5653952433140c7c02dda721",
			"updated_at": 1448318244730,
			"title": "Summer 2015 Bootcamp",
			"template": false,
			"created_at": 1448318244701,
			"term": "Summer 2015",
			"description": "Test description",
			"students": [...],
			"sections": [...]

###/v1/course POST Create course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.


	"title": "A new course",
	"template": false,
	"created_at": 1448379344940,
	"sections": [...]


	"course": {
		"__v": 0,
		"template": false,
		"title": "A new course",
		"created_at": 1448380546068,
		"_id": "5654888276099d4b1bf5163e",
		"students": [],
		"sections": []

###/v1/course/:id GET Get specific course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
id : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from course.


	"course": [
			"_id": "5654888276099d4b1bf5163e",
			"title": "A new course",
			"template": false,
			"created_at": 1448380546068,
			"students": [],
			"sections": []

###/v1/course/:id PUT Update specific course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
id : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from course.


	"_id": "5654888276099d4b1bf5163e",
	"template": false,
	"title": "A Updated course title",
	"created_at": 1448380546068,
	"students": [],
	"sections": []


	"course": {
		"_id": "5654888276099d4b1bf5163e",
		"title": "A Updated course title",
		"template": false,
		"created_at": 1448380546068,
		"__v": 0,
		"updated_at": 1448381481864,
		"students": [],
		"sections": []

If there are sections in the course, changing the order of the section will update that order in the API.

###/v1/course/:id DELETE Delete specific course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
id : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from course


	course: []

###/v1/course/:courseId/section POST Add a section to a course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
courseId : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from course


    title: 'section title'


    course: { 
        sections: [ /* section objects */],
        students: [],
        description: 'Test description',
        term: 'Summer 2015',
        created_at: 1448987531620,
        template: false,
        title: 'updated',
        updated_at: 1448987531635,
        _id: 565dcb8bee51bf925b6d6d5e,
        __v: 1

###/v1/course/section/:sectionId GET Get a section

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
sectionId : string 565dcb8bee51bf925b6d6d5f ID from section


	section: { 
		lessons: [ 
				topics: [],
				revisions: [],
				__v: 0,
				created_at: 1458699468789,
				title: 'Course add lesson 1',
				_id: 56f1fccc5616faf91fa860c4 
				topics: [],
			  	revisions: [],
			  	__v: 0,
			  	created_at: 1458699468658,
			  	title: 'Course add lesson',
			  	_id: 56f1fccc5616faf91fa860bd 
		updated_at: 1458699468792,
		__v: 3,
		title: 'New section',
		_id: 56f1fccc5616faf91fa860c0 

###/v1/course/section/:sectionId PUT Update a section

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
sectionId : string 565dcb8bee51bf925b6d6d5f ID from section


	section: { 
		lessons: [ 
				topics: [],
			  	revisions: [],
			  	__v: 0,
			  	created_at: 1458699468658,
			  	title: 'Course add lesson',
			  	_id: 56f1fccc5616faf91fa860bd 
				topics: [],
				revisions: [],
				__v: 0,
				created_at: 1458699468789,
				title: 'Course add lesson 1',
				_id: 56f1fccc5616faf91fa860c4 
		updated_at: 1458699468792,
		__v: 3,
		title: 'New section',
		_id: 56f1fccc5616faf91fa860c0 

Used to update the lessons in a section or update a section title.

###/v1/course/:courseId/section/:sectionId DELETE Remove a section to a course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
courseId : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from course
sectionId : string 565dcb8bee51bf925b6d6d5f ID from section


    course: { 
        sections: [],
        students: [],
        __v: 1,
        description: 'Test description',
        term: 'Summer 2015',
        created_at: 1448988051409,
        template: false,
        title: 'updated',
        updated_at: 1448988051419,
        _id: 565dcd933c8c90925b80f756 

###/v1/course/section/:sectionId/lesson/:lessonId PUT Add lesson to section in a course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
sectionId : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from section
lessonId : string 565380b92185c27c0220a484 ID from lesson


  lessons: [ /* Lesson Objects */ ],
  __v: 1,
  title: 'New section',
  _id: 565e211198ff05e1617e80fb,
  updated_at: 1449009425571 

###/v1/course/section/:sectionId/lesson/:lessonId DELETE Remove lesson from a section of a course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
sectionId : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from section
lessonId : string 565380b92185c27c0220a484 ID from lesson


	"course": {
	    "_id": "5654888276099d4b1bf5163e",
	    "title": "A Updated course title",
	    "template": false,
	    "created_at": 1448379344940,
	    "__v": 2,
	    "updated_at": 1448382432185,
	    "students": [],
	    "sections": []

###/v1/course/:courseId/user POST Add users to course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
courseId : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from course
Query Value Description
emails : string ryan@hackeryou, Comma separated list of emails

If user already exists it will just add the course, otherwise it will create a new user and send them an email!


	"course": {
	    "_id": "5654888276099d4b1bf5163e",
	    "title": "A Updated course title",
	    "template": false,
	    "created_at": 1448379344940,
	    "__v": 2,
	    "updated_at": 1448382432185,
	    "students": [/* Student objects with selected fields */],
	    "sections": []

###/v1/course/:courseId/user/:userId DETELE Remove users to course

Headers Value Description
x-access-token : string token Token received from authentication.
Params Value Description
courseId : string 5654888276099d4b1bf5163e ID from course
userId : string 5654888276099d4b151ea163e ID from user


	"course": {
	    "_id": "5654888276099d4b1bf5163e",
	    "title": "A Updated course title",
	    "template": false,
	    "created_at": 1448379344940,
	    "__v": 2,
	    "updated_at": 1448382432185,
	    "students": [],
	    "sections": []
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