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A member portal used by IEEE-HKN honor society members at the University of California, San Diego.

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New HKN Portal

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 3 47 12 PM

Set up instructions for local development


  • Clone the repository
  • (Recommended) Create a virtualenv (Instructions)
    • Try to name the virtualenv venv as that name has been added in gitignore
    • Activate the virtualenv (Note - Make sure to always activate the virtualenv before working with new terminals)
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all of the required libraries
  • Run the following commands to set up the database
    • Run python makemigrations api to create new migrations
    • Run python migrate to set up the database
    • Run python set_up_database to create necessary objects in the database
  • Run python runserver to start the django server
  • Open a new terminal and activate the virtualenv
  • Run cd frontend && npm install
    • Debug any issues that may come up regarding npm or node versions
  • Run npm run dev to start the development server

You should now be set up to develop locally. Go to localhost:8000 on a browser and you should see the portal hosted locally. Changes should automatically show on the server and there's no need to re-run the server unless you install new packages.

If changes are made that affect the database, run:

  • Run python makemigrations to generate new migration files
  • Run python migrate to update the database

In deployment:

  • ssh -i "key_pair_1.pem" ubuntu@ to access the remote server
  • cd hkn-portal to enter repository directory
  • git pull to grab latest repository
  • cd frontend & npm run build to create build rollup
  • cd .. & source venv/bin/activate & python collectstatic to collect static files
  • If changes to database structure: python makemigrations & python migrate
  • sudo service apache2 restart to restart server with changes

Custom python commands:

  • setUpDatabase creates a necessary groups and objects needed
  • createsuperuser creates a superuser
  • generate_inductees generates a json file containing emails of inductees
  • induct file.json induct inductees (change their role to members)
  • promote_officer file.json promotes members to officers
  • newinductionclass creates a new induction class object & related event for points rollover
  • inducteeform generates a new url for inductee forms based on current induction class
  • clearoutreachhours file.json removes all outreach hours for given users


A member portal used by IEEE-HKN honor society members at the University of California, San Diego.






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