Climber Connect is a full-stack web application that allows users to create and manage climber profiles, register as climbers, and organize climbing activities. Users can store their favorite climbing locations on a map and create climbing groups to organize outings with others. The app is built with Spring Boot on the backend and React on the frontend, providing a seamless experience for both user management and map integration.
- Authentication: Springboot application secured with Auth0 Jwt and Spring security including roles and privileges.
- Api: CRUD API using RestController and DTOS. Jarkata and Passay are used for data validation. Spring security authorities is used for route protection. Pagination using Spring data JPA.
- Geometry Data: Usage of Hibernate-spatial. Storing POINT or POLYGON in database. Object on java side are from org.locationtech.jts.geom.
- Routing: React application provides secured routes (using React router) based on roles and unsecured ones for sign-in and sign-up.
- Api: React query and zod are used for getting and mutate data. Server side pagination is also implemented ( shadcn/ui tables).
- Map: React leaflet map implementation. User can create point and polygons (with names, descriptions ...) and save them to database.
- Spring Boot: A framework for building production-ready applications with Java.
- Spring Boot Starter Web: To build web applications and RESTful APIs.
- Spring Boot Starter Data JPA: For database interactions using the Java Persistence API (JPA).
- Spring Boot Starter Security: For implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms.
- Spring Boot Starter Validation: For input validation.
- Hibernate: Used in conjunction with Spring Data JPA for ORM (Object-Relational Mapping).
- Hibernate spatial: Used in conjunction with Spring Data JPA for ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) for Geometric data.
- Jackson Datatype for Hibernate: Handling JSON serialization and deserialization of Hibernate entities.
- Java JWT (Auth0): For handling JWT-based authentication.
- Passay: For enforcing password policies and validations.
- Lombok: Used to reduce boilerplate code such as getters, setters, and constructors (optional dependency).
- DataFaker: For generating fake data in testing and seeding.
- Testing:
- Spring Boot Starter Test: For writing unit and integration tests.
- Spring Security Test: For testing security-related functionality.
- Maven: For project build and dependency management.
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin: For packaging and running the Spring Boot application.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React Router DOM: For client-side routing and navigation.
- React Hook Form: For building and managing forms with validation.
- React Query: For handling server-state management, caching, and data synchronization.
- React-Leaflet: For rendering maps using the Leaflet library.
- Shadcn UI: A customizable and accessible component library built on top of Radix UI (and others) and Tailwind CSS.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- Leaflet: A lightweight, open-source library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
- Axios: For making HTTP requests from the frontend to the backend API.
- Zod: A schema declaration and validation library.
- Date-FNS: For manipulating and formatting dates in JavaScript.
- Vite: A fast build tool for modern web projects, used for both development and production builds.
- TypeScript: A statically typed superset of JavaScript for writing safer and more maintainable code.
- ESLint: A tool for identifying and fixing problems in your JavaScript and TypeScript code.
- Climber Profiles: Users can create and manage their climber profiles, including details such as skill level, climbing experience, and preferred climbing styles.
- Locations: Save favorite climbing spots on an interactive map using.
- Climbing Groups: Create and manage climbing groups, invite others to join, and organize group outings.
- User Authentication: Secure login and registration system using Spring Security, allowing users to manage their profiles.
- Interactive Map: Display and manage favorite climbing locations directly on an interactive map.
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd spring-boot-react-portfolio
- Run Docker compose
docker-compose up
- Run spring application
./mvnw clean install ./mvnw spring-boot:run
- Run react app
cd app npm install npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:5173/ List of registered users (you can registered some as well)
Username | Password | Role |
---|---|---| | test | Admin | | test | Staff | | test | User |