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Managed identities

Jiri Formacek edited this page Dec 30, 2024 · 1 revision

Module fully supports authentication with managed identities.

System assigned Managed identity or Arc-enabled server

This sample assumes that code runs in environment supporting Azure Managed identity and uses it to get tokens.

#create factory that uses managed identity, without scopes
#factory is stored is session varioable so no need to store it explictly if it is single factory used
New-AadAuthenticationfactory -UseManagedIdentity

#get tokens from factory stored in session variable
$configToken = Get-AadToken -Scopes ''
$vaultToken =  Get-AadToken -Scopes ''

User assigned Managed identity

This sample assumes that code runs in environment supporting user-assigned Azure Managed identity and uses it to get tokens, and shows access token properties.
Get-AadToken uses implicit authentication factory cached by most recent call of New-AadAuthenticationFactory.

#create a factory with default scopes and client id of user assigned Managed identity
New-AadAuthenticationfactory `
-DefaultScopes '' `
-UseManagedIdentity `
-ClientId '3a174b1e-7b2a-4f21-a326-90365ff741cf'
#retrieve a token from  factory and examine its content
Get-AadToken | Test-AadToken -PayloadOnly