A repo for the creation of the CSC207 group project - a text based game engine.
Running the src/main/java/client/Main.java class will launch the title screen in which you can access the game editor and the game player. Accessing the game editor shows a blank canvas to add slides and decisions in order to make your text based game! Click the add slide button to add a slide, click the "+" on the slide to add a decision, and drag the circles on the decision to decide where that decision comes from / goes to.
Accessing the game player brings up another screen where you can access settings to change the theme or speed of the dialogue. Loading a game using the load button allows you to play a game made by the game player!
To playtest the game you must set a slide to be the first slide by pressing edit slide on a slide and choosing set as first slide and there must be a valid game created or else there will be an error thrown.
You can load the GameProject.ttl file in the phase 1 folder to get a working created game in the game engine to test!