An IP Management API created with Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and PostgreSQL!
This is a simple REST API supporting a few functionalities for an IP Address class containing two pieces of data (an address, and a status).
- Java SE Development Kit
- PostgreSQL server running
The application is broken down into design layers
- API Layer (containing the API endpoint mappings
- Service Layer (containing the business logic)
- Data Layer (Spring Data JPA + Repository communicating with PostgreSQL
IPAddress = {"address": (String), "status": (String)}
There are four Available Endpoints to work with
1. localhost:8080/api/v1/GetAllAddresses
- A GET request that returns a list of all IP Addresses in the database
2. localhost:8080/api/v1/CreateCIDRBlock
- A POST request that expects a parameter of 'fullAddress', which accepts an ip address with CIDR (eg.
- The incoming address does some simple validation using regular expressions to verify that the address is correctly formatted
- For simplicity, this application currently only supports CIDR blocks /24 - /30
- Incoming CIDR blocks containing an address already in the database will not be created
- After recieving a valid CIDR block, every IPv4 address within the block (including the network & broadcast address) are crated as IP Address objects and inserted into the database with status values of "available"
3. localhost:8080/api/v1/AcquireAddress
- A PUT request that expects a parameter of 'address', which accepts a standard IPv4 addresss (eg.
- The incoming address is verified to exist in the database, then has it's status updated to "acquired"
4. localhost:8080/api/v1/ReleaseAddress
- A PUT request that expects a parameter of 'address', which accepts a standard IPv4 addresss (eg.
- The incoming address is verified to exist in the database, then has it's status updated to "available"
- The application utilizes a PostgreSQL database titled 'ipmanager'
- The database contains one table titled 'ipaddress' which resets after each run (for simplicity)
- The table preloads 6 IP Addresses into the database upon load for quick viewing of data ( - seen here
- Business logic can be improved here to better determine when a CIDR block is available, divide existing blocks, etc.
- More tests can be added to verify functionality throughout the application I started writign some here