Releases: GraysonnG/InfiniteSpire
Releases · GraysonnG/InfiniteSpire
This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Quest Reward Icon fix.
- Fix LoA stopping Endless.
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My City Now
Nightmare Alpha isn't allowed to spawn in the city anymore (unless you're already in endless or whatever).
Nightmare Rework Episode 2
This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Nightmare scales with key pickups.
- Fix bug where Black Cards were not copies.
- Fix Phase 2 buff for LoA.
- LoA uses Invincible instead of Boss Armor.
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This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Add Relic: Cursed Dice
- Balance: Golem's Mask (Boss -> Rare)
- New Art for Chaos (Thanks to RedDyeNo5!)
- Fix Black Card Particles not scaling with framerate.
- Fix all classes extending AbstractGameEffect to implement dispose()
- Fix grammar errors in OneForAll and Neurotoxin
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This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Add Relic: Eraser
- Add Relic: Chaos
- Add Relic: Shielding Shard
- Add Particle VFX for Black Cards (can be disabled via config)
- Balance: Increase rarity of Neurotoxin (Rare)
- Rework Relic: Cupcake
- Rework Relic: Burning Sword
- Remove Relic: Healing Shard
- Fix Lucky Rock ID being private
- Fix Texture size/position for Bottled Soul
- Fix Collect not being able to upgrade cards that can upgrade multiple times multiple times.
- Fix Focusing Shard picking the same card twice
- Refactored all cards to use CardStrings (I'm less of a degenerate now)
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HOTFIX: Libraries
This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Fix crash on card library caused by quest log icon on cards.
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This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Add Card Menacing
- Add VFX for Menacing
- Add Quest Icon to cards requested by quests.
- Start of Nightmare Rework
- Refactor Death's Touch code. (functionally the same but works more like other X cost cards)
- Fix Golems Might tool tip showing wrong %
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Week 49 Fixes
This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Add new Reward Type for Quests (these have saving issues please be aware)
- Fix Die Quests healing on damage taken instead of death.
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Patch Changes and Update for Week 48
This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Add ability to add quests without notifying the player.
- Fix Pacifist Card not updating cost properly.
- Fix bug with Nightmare rooms sometimes causing crashes.
- Fix type text on Black Cards not being readable.
- Balance Make Leftover shapes die when Mass of Shapes dies.
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HOTFIX: QuestLog Crashes!
This is a Pre-Release not all of the features are implemented yet
Included in this Update
- Fix Replay The Spire Curse quest crashing.
- Fix Captain Abe Quest crashing
- Fix Black Card border rendering properly.