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Example: Vector of integers

Tom Clune edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

The following module will define derived types Vector and VectorIterator:

module IntegerVector_mod

#define _type integer
#include "templates/"

end module IntegerVector_mod

Yes - it really is that easy.

If you want to export the types under custom names, you can also do this:

module IntegerVector_mod

#define _type integer
#define _vector IntegerVector
#define _iterator IntegerVectorIterator
#include "templates/"

end module IntegerVector_mod

Here is a small driver program that exercises the module:

program IntegerVectorDriver
   use IntegerVector_mod

   type(IntegerVector), target :: primes
   type(IntegerVectorIterator) :: iter
   integer, pointer :: p

   call primes%push_back(2) ! vector now has one element
   call primes%push_back(3) ! vector now has two elements
   call primes%push_back(5) ! vector now has three elements

   print*,primes%size() ! prints "3"
   print*,primes%at(3) ! prints "5"
   p => primes%at(1) ! p is a pointer to the "2" integer stored inside the container
   p = 0
   print*,primes%at(1) ! prints "0"

   ! The following is a simple loop to print the square of all elements
   ! Prints 0, 9, 25 (on separate lines)

   iter = primes%begin()
   do while (iter /= primes%end())
      p => iter%get()
      call iter%next()
   end do

end program
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