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Lazy Bastard edited this page May 14, 2019 · 17 revisions

This page contains a list of useful tools for hacking FF4.

Tool Description Creator
FF4Edit A map editor for Final Fantasy 4 (largely made obsolete by FF4MapEdit). Yousei
ff4kster An all-in-one comprehensive ROM editor / hacking tool for FF4. Pinkpuff
FF4MapEdit A map editor for Final Fantasy 4. Entroper
Geiger’s Snes9x Emulator with Debugger v1.43 A custom version of Snes9x v1.43, with a built-in debugger. This version is included despite a later version (v1.51) having some additional features, as the newer version contains some serious bugs and stability issues. Geiger
LoROM to 6F ROM This Python script takes an input file containing LoROM 6F addresses (00:8000 - 6F:FFFF) and prints a list of corresponding ROM addresses (binary offsets) in hex. Lazy Bastard (with help from b0ardface and MathOnNapkins)
Lunar Address An SNES address converter (LoROM to ROM, ROM to LoROM, etc). FuSoYa’s Niche