A full-stack application for browsing movies, reading/writing reviews, and finding streaming links.
- Browse trending and popular movies
- Search for movies
- Read and write reviews
- Star rating system
- Direct links to streaming platform
- Responsive design
- Node.js (v14 or higher)
- MongoDB Community Server
- npm or yarn
- Download MongoDB Community Server from https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community
- Run the installer
- Choose "Complete" installation
- Check "Install MongoDB as a Service"
- Add MongoDB bin directory to system PATH (typically
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\[version]\bin
) - Create data directory:
Clone the repository
Install frontend dependencies:
npm install
Install backend dependencies:
cd backend npm install
Start MongoDB service (if not running):
- Windows: The service should start automatically
- Manual start: Open Services app and start "MongoDB"
Start the backend server:
cd backend npm run dev
Start the frontend development server (in a new terminal):
npm run dev
Open your browser and navigate to
Backend (.env
- Enhanced error handling
- Input validation
- Loading states
- Improved UI/UX
- Star rating interface
- Character counter for reviews
- Sorting reviews by date
- Retry logic for MongoDB connection
- Frontend: React + Vite
- Backend: Node.js + Express
- Database: MongoDB
- Styling: Tailwind CSS