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👋 Introduce team member

name major GDSC Email
HUICHAN SEO Computer Science LEAD
HYEONJUNG HWANG Computer Science General
SEONHO LEE Multi Media Engineering Core
EUNSEO LIM Imformation Comunication Engineering General

UN-SDGs that our solution is solving for

Our solution aims to provide hearing-impaired individuals with equal opportunities to express their thoughts freely through a pronunciation correction process. This process converts pronunciation into text for visual feedback, uses AI to detail areas needing improvement, and transforms the user's pronunciation into vibrations to provide tactile feedback. With our pronunciation correction process, we strive to eliminate the fear of speaking among the hearing-impaired and create a world where they can express their thoughts freely.

Our approach aligns with promoting inclusive education (SDG 4) and reducing inequalities (SDG 10). We aim to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world where everyone can freely express their thoughts, enjoy quality education, and experience reduced inequalities.

Project Introduction




✨ Demo

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Our App APK

APK Download Link

Home Screen Learning Screen Phoneme Screen Word Screen
Home Screen 학습페이지 발음기호 단어학습하기

Home Screen : Pronunciation score and daily learning graphs
Learning Screen: Learning logs by date
Phoneme Screen : Visuals and guides for phoneme articulation
Word Screen : Features sound-to-vibration buttons , GIFs for pronunciation practice, interactive phoneme guides with Google's Gemini, detailed phoneme explanations, and voice recording with result review

Sentance Screen(fix) Paragraph Screen Script Screen live Screen(fix)
문장학습 문단학습하기 대본만들고결과값 라이브

Sentence Screen: Same layout as the Word Screen.
Paragraph Screen: Allows users to record their voice for a given script and receive feedback.
Script Screen: Users can write their own scripts and record their voice for feedback.
Live Screen: Displays the user's pronunciation in real time.

🎯 Commit Convention

  • feat: Add a new feature
  • fix: Bug fix
  • docs: Documentation updates
  • style: Code formatting, missing semicolons, cases where no code change is involved
  • refactor: Code refactoring
  • test: Test code, adding refactoring tests -hore: Build task updates, package manager updates

💡 PR Convetion

아이콘 코드 설명
🎨 :art Improving structure/format of the code
⚡️ :zap Performance improvement
🔥 :fire Code/file deletion
🐛 :bug Bug fix
🚑 :ambulance Critical fix
:sparkles New features
💄 :lipstick Adding/updating UI/style files
:rewind Reverting changes
🔀 :twisted_rightwards_arrows Branch merging
💡 :bulb Adding/updating comments
🗃 :card_file_box Database-related modifications

Flutter Project Build Instructions

flutter pub get
flutter run

## If you encounter any issues in iOS build, follow these steps to clean your build cache for iOS
cd ios
rm Podfile.lock
rm Podfile
rm -rf Pods
pod cache clean --all
cd ..
flutter clean
flutter pub get
cd ios
pod install
flutter pub get
flutter run

## If you encounter any issues in Android build, follow these steps to clean your build cache for Android 
cd android
./gradlew clean
cd ..
flutter clean
flutter pub get
flutter run

🛠️ Tech

Flutter Dart FastAPI Google Cloud Firebase http uuid PyMySQL Scikit-learn

☁️ OpenSource

  • AI : openai/whisper-large-v3 (Hugging Face)
  • Flutter

🕸️ Generative AI

  • AI : Gemini - We implemented a feature that uses Gemini to explain phonetic symbols in text