JMASM is an interpreter for MASM (Micro-Assembly), a simplified assembly language. This interpreter provides a straightforward way to execute MASM code, making it ideal for learning assembly programming concepts and writing complex programs.
- Interprets MASM (Micro-Assembly) code
- Simple and intuitive syntax
- Cross-platform compatibility
ethier download the binary from the release page or build it from source
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Change the working directory
# Build the project
mvn clean package -P <windows|linux>
after building the project you can find the executable in the target folder.
for linux builds it's in target/linux (2 files) for windows builds it's just MASM.exe inside the target folder
we don't know why our binaries that get created make the linux build have 2 files but it works so we are not complaining.
we are not too sure about the windows build so if you have any issues please let us know
# Basic usage
jmasm -f <filename.masm>
# Example
jmasm -f example.masm
MASM uses a simplified assembly syntax. Here's a basic example:
#include ""
lbl main
;; set the FD to 1 for stdout
mov RAX 1
;; set the memory address
mov RBX 10
;; call printf
call #printf
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
Charlie santana