This is a simple template app demonstrating how to create applications for the MicrOS platform.
- Basic UI with a label and button
- Demonstrates app lifecycle methods
- Shows how to handle user interactions
- Includes proper manifest configuration
- Copy the entire directory named to create your new app
- Update the following files:
: Change groupId, artifactId, and other Maven coordinatesmanifest.json
: Update app metadata (name, identifier, description, etc.)- Rename and modify source files in
├── Contents/
│ ├── manifest.json # App metadata and configuration
│ ├── src/ # Source code directory, remember to remove if not needed
│ │ └── # Main app class
│ └── resources/ # Resources (icons, etc.)
├── pom.xml # Maven build configuration
└── # This file
To build the app:
mvn clean package
The built app will be available in Contents/Resources/
to test the application, invoke the following command:
java -jar /path/to/micrOS.jar --apppath /path/to/
include the full path to the MicrOS jar file and the directory plus the .app extension.
- Use the MicrOSApp base class for your main app class
- Handle app lifecycle in onStart() and onStop()
- Keep UI creation code in createUI()
- Request only needed permissions in manifest.json
- Java 17 or higher
- MicrOS Core Library
- Maven for building
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