This project visualizes data from the Iraq War Logs, a leak published by WikiLeaks containing over 360,000 SIGACT reports from the Iraq War. The dataset, parsed into a CSV and hosted on Kaggle (source), includes numerical and geographical data, providing insights into various aspects of the conflict.
Using Dash, Plotly, Pandas, and Flask, this project creates interactive visualizations to explore trends, geospatial patterns, and key events.
- Plot 1: Temporal Distribution of Fatalities – Displays the number of daily deaths (civilians, enemy forces, friendly forces, and Iraqi forces) with an additional 14-day moving average for trend analysis.
- Plot 2: Geographical Distribution of Fatalities – A choropleth map showing the percentage of fatalities of different forces across Iraq's provinces over time, with an animated monthly progression. (note: wait a few seconds when clicking on this plot for it to load)
- Plot 3: Categorical Breakdown of Casualties by Cause – A treemap visualizing the distribution of casualties based on the type and category of incidents, providing an overview of major contributing factors.
- Plot 4: Civilian Casualties by Perpetrator Affiliation – A violin plot comparing civilian deaths and injuries caused by friendly versus enemy forces.
- Plot 5: Civilian Casualties by Incident Type – A scatter plot showing the average number of civilian casualties per incident type and category.
- Create a virtual environment and install the required libraries
- Run
made in 2023, small fixes in 2025