Copyright (c) Forge Gaming Network 2015
GameStatus v2, is a simple but effective script which you can use to display the status of a multiple game servers. The script simply needs to be called at intervals you can set.
The script is divided into two main components:
serverstatus.php: The script which checks each listed server and produces a JSON file with the results. We recommend running this script via CRON every 5/10min.
serverstatusplugin.php: A Wordpress script (It is not actually a plugin), which displays the JSON file as an unstyled table.
- Simple & Lightweight script
- Basic error checking
- Simple text file stores server details
- Displayed data is effectively cached
- Displayed data is seperate from checker script
- JSON file could potentially be hosted elsewhere
- Display only selected games. E.g: CSGO or MC
- php 5.4 minimum
- Requires @fsockopen
- Open the serverlist.txt
- Add server as new line follow styling!
MC | Minecraft | | 25565 |
- GAME CODE: Used in shortcode must be identical!
- Drop onto server
- CRONJOB the serverstatus.php to run every 5 min
- Check serverstatus.json file is created!
- Add the following to your functions.php (Should be using Child-Theme!):
/* Add FGN ServerStatus Plugin */
include(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/directory/serverstatusplugin.php');
add_shortcode( 'GetServers_sc', 'GetServers' );
- Shortcode example, display all: [GetServers_sc]
- Shortcode example, display specific game: [GetServers_sc game="MC"]