Paper link: A Short Description of the Solver EvalMaxSAT
EvalMaxSAT is a MaxSAT solver written in modern C++ language mainly using the Standard Template Library (STL). The solver is built on top of the SAT solver CaDiCaL [1], but any other SAT solver can easily be used instead. EvalMaxSAT is based on the OLL algorithm [2] originally implemented in the MSCG MaxSAT solver [3], [4] and then reused in the RC2 solver [5]. The Totalizer Encoding [6] is used to represent cardinalities and the implementation reuses the code from the PySAT’s ITotalizer [7].
[1]: A. Biere, K. Fazekas, M. Fleury and M. Heisinger, "CaDiCaL, Kissat, Paracooba, Plingeling and Treengeling Entering the SAT Competition 2020"
[2]: A. Morgado, C. Dodaro, and J. Marques-Silva, "Core-guided MaxSAT with soft cardinality constraints"
[3]: A. Morgado, A. Ignatiev, and J. Marques-Silva, "MSCG: robust core-guided maxsat solving"
[4]: A. Ignatiev, A. Morgado, V. M. Manquinho, I. Lynce, and J. Marques-Silva, "Progression in maximum satisfiability"
[5]: A. Ignatiev, A. Morgado, and J. Marques-Silva, "RC2: an efficient MaxSAT solver"
[6]: R. Martins, S. Joshi, V. M. Manquinho, and I. Lynce, "Reflections on incremental cardinality constraints for MaxSat"
[7]: A. Ignatiev, A. Morgado, and J. Marques-Silva, "Pysat: A python toolkit for prototyping with SAT oracles"
Dependencies already included:
- CaDiCaL :
- MCQD :
- CLI11 :
git clone
mkdir EvalMaxSAT/build
cd EvalMaxSAT/build
cmake ..
sudo make install
$ EvalMaxSAT_bin --help
EvalMaxSAT Solver
Usage: ./EvalMaxSAT_bin [OPTIONS] file
file TEXT:FILE REQUIRED File with the formula to be solved (wcnf format)
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
--minRefTime UINT Minimal reference time to improve unsat core (default = 1)
--maxRefTime UINT Maximal reference time to improve unsat core (default = 300)
--TCT UINT Target Computation Time (default = 3600)
--coefAVG FLOAT Average coef on ref time (default = 1.66)
--coefInit FLOAT Initial coef on ref time (default = 10)
--old Use old output format
--bench UINT Bench mode
--noDS Unactivate Delay Strategy
--noMS Unactivate Multisolve Strategy
--noUBS Unactivate UB Strategy
$ ./EvalMaxSAT_bin log.8.wcsp.log.wcnf
o 18446744073709551615
o 2
v 00100101010011111
c Total time : 0.00165765s
#include "EvalMaxSAT.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
EvalMaxSAT solver;
// Create 3 variables
int a = solver.newVar();
int b = solver.newVar();
int c = solver.newVar();
// Add hard clauses
solver.addClause({-a, -b}); // !a or !b
// Add soft clauses
solver.addClause({a, b}, 1); // a or b
solver.addClause({c}, 1); // c
solver.addClause({a, -c}, 1); // a or !c
solver.addClause({b, -c}, 1); // b or !c
////// PRINT SOLUTION //////////////////
if(!solver.solve()) {
std::cout << "s UNSATISFIABLE" << std::endl;
return 0;
std::cout << "s OPTIMUM FOUND" << std::endl;
std::cout << "o " << solver.getCost() << std::endl;
std::cout << "a = " << solver.getValue(a) << std::endl;
std::cout << "b = " << solver.getValue(b) << std::endl;
std::cout << "c = " << solver.getValue(c) << std::endl;
You can reuse and adapt the CMakeLists.txt file to compile.