This is a terraform module that provisions a postgres server that is part of a patroni high availability cluster on openstack. Depending on the input values passed, replication can be either synchronous (strict or not) or asynchronous. See the patroni documentation for the tradeoffs between the replication modes.
Given that it is the common denominator for all the clients we are using, only password authentication is supported for now. The module will take a password as an argument for its superuser account.
This module takes the following variables as input:
- name: Name to give to the vm. Will be the hostname as well.
- image_source: Source of the image to provision the server on. It takes the following keys (only one of the two fields should be used, the other one should be empty):
- image_id: Id of the image to associate with a vm that has local storage
- volume_id: Id of a volume containing the os to associate with the vm
- data_volume_id: Id for an optional separate volume to attach to the vm on postgres' data path
- flavor_id: Id of the vm flavor to assign to the instance.
- network_port: Resource of type openstack_networking_port_v2 to assign to the vm for network connectivity
- server_group: Server group to assign to the node. Should be of type openstack_compute_servergroup_v2.
- keypair_name: Name of the ssh keypair that will be used to ssh against the vm.
- postgres: Postgres configurations. It has the following keys:
- params: List of postgres parameters represented by key and value keys for each entry. Note that the master will set those values in etcd and it will be shared by all members. Given that which node will be elected the leader is random, it should be set the same in all members.
- replicator_password: Password for the replicator user.
- superuser_password: Password for the postgres superuser
- ca_certificate: The CA certificate that was used to sign all server and client TLS certificates for postgres and patroni
- server_certificate: Server tls certificate used for both postgres and the patroni api.
- server_key: Private server key used for both postgres and the patroni api.
- etcd: Patroni etcd backend configuration. Note that the etcd server needs to have the grpc gateway enabled with username/password authentication. It has the following keys:
- endpoints: List of etcd hosts, each entry having the
format. - ca_cert: Ca certificate for the etcd servers
- username: User of the etcd user that patroni will use to connect to etcd.
- password: Password of the etcd user that patroni will use to connect to etcd.
- endpoints: List of etcd hosts, each entry having the
- patroni: Patroni configuration. It has the following keys:
- scope: Name of the patroni cluster.
- namespace: Key prefix for all patroni keys in etcd
- name: Name of the member (should be unique for each node in the cluster)
- ttl: TTL time (in seconds) the leader has to renew the lock before replicas conclude the leader is no longer available and trigger the election of a new leader.
- loop_wait: Amount of time (in seconds) the patroni process will sleep between iterations.
- retry_timeout: Timetout for etcd and postgres operation retries. If it takes longer than this, patroni will demote the leader.
- master_start_timeout: Amount of time (in seconds) a failing master has to recover before patroni demotes it as leader.
- master_stop_timeout: Amount of time (in seconds) patroni will wait after a shutdown trigger before sending SIGKILL to the postgres server it manages.
- watchdog_safety_margin: Safety margin before leader lock ttl expire where watchdown will force master shutdown to prevent split brain. See documentation for usager:
- is_synchronous: Boolean indicating whether synchronous synchronization should be used between the leader and the replicas.
- synchronous_settings: Settings if the synchronization is synchronous. It has the following keys:
- strict: Boolean indicating whether the synchronous synchronization is strict or not.
- synchronous_node_count: Number of additional nodes a transaction commit should be writen to in addition to the leader to report a success.
- asynchronous_settings: Settings if the synchronization is asynchronous. It has the following keys:
- maximum_lag_on_failover: Maximum WAL lag in bytes a replica is allowed to have in order to be considered for leadership when cluster leadership is lost.
- client_certificate: Client certificate signed with the postgres CA that patroni will use to authentify itself to patroni endpoints of the cluster.
- client_key: Client key used to sign the certificate
- chrony: Optional chrony configuration for when you need a more fine-grained ntp setup on your vm. It is an object with the following fields:
- enabled: If set the false (the default), chrony will not be installed and the vm ntp settings will be left to default.
- servers: List of ntp servers to sync from with each entry containing two properties, url and options (see:
- pools: A list of ntp server pools to sync from with each entry containing two properties, url and options (see:
- makestep: An object containing remedial instructions if the clock of the vm is significantly out of sync at startup. It is an object containing two properties, threshold and limit (see:
- fluentbit: Optional fluent-bit configuration to securely route logs to a fluend/fluent-bit node using the forward plugin. Alternatively, configuration can be 100% dynamic by specifying the parameters of an etcd store or git repo to fetch the configuration from. It has the following keys:
- enabled: If set the false (the default), fluent-bit will not be installed.
- metrics: Configuration for metrics fluentbit exposes.
- enabled: Whether to enable the metrics or not
- port: Port to expose the metrics on
- patroni_tag: Tag to assign to logs coming from patroni
- node_exporter_tag Tag to assign to logs coming from the prometheus node exporter
- forward: Configuration for the forward plugin that will talk to the external fluend/fluent-bit node. It has the following keys:
- domain: Ip or domain name of the remote fluend node.
- port: Port the remote fluend node listens on
- hostname: Unique hostname identifier for the vm
- shared_key: Secret shared key with the remote fluentd node to authentify the client
- ca_cert: CA certificate that signed the remote fluentd node's server certificate (used to authentify it)
- fluentbit_dynamic_config: Optional configuration to update fluent-bit configuration dynamically either from an etcd key prefix or a path in a git repo.
- enabled: Boolean flag to indicate whether dynamic configuration is enabled at all. If set to true, configurations will be set dynamically. The default configurations can still be referenced as needed by the dynamic configuration. They are at the following paths:
- Global Service Configs: /etc/fluent-bit-customization/default-config/service.conf
- Default Variables: /etc/fluent-bit-customization/default-config/default-variables.conf
- Systemd Inputs: /etc/fluent-bit-customization/default-config/inputs.conf
- Forward Output For All Inputs: /etc/fluent-bit-customization/default-config/output-all.conf
- Forward Output For Default Inputs Only: /etc/fluent-bit-customization/default-config/output-default-sources.conf
- source: Indicates the source of the dynamic config. Can be either etcd or git.
- etcd: Parameters to fetch fluent-bit configurations dynamically from an etcd cluster. It has the following keys:
- key_prefix: Etcd key prefix to search for fluent-bit configuration
- endpoints: Endpoints of the etcd cluster. Endpoints should have the format
- ca_certificate: CA certificate against which the server certificates of the etcd cluster will be verified for authenticity
- client: Client authentication. It takes the following keys:
- certificate: Client tls certificate to authentify with. To be used for certificate authentication.
- key: Client private tls key to authentify with. To be used for certificate authentication.
- username: Client's username. To be used for username/password authentication.
- password: Client's password. To be used for username/password authentication.
- vault_agent_secret_path: Optional vault secret path for an optional vault agent to renew the etcd client credentials. The secret in vault is expected to have the certificate and key keys if certificate authentication is used or the username and password keys if password authentication is used.
- git: Parameters to fetch fluent-bit configurations dynamically from an git repo. It has the following keys:
- repo: Url of the git repository. It should have the ssh format.
- ref: Git reference (usually branch) to checkout in the repository
- path: Path to sync from in the git repository. If the empty string is passed, syncing will happen from the root of the repository.
- trusted_gpg_keys: List of trusted gpp keys to verify the signature of the top commit. If an empty list is passed, the commit signature will not be verified.
- auth: Authentication to the git server. It should have the following keys:
- client_ssh_key Private client ssh key to authentication to the server.
- server_ssh_fingerprint: Public ssh fingerprint of the server that will be used to authentify it.
- enabled: Boolean flag to indicate whether dynamic configuration is enabled at all. If set to true, configurations will be set dynamically. The default configurations can still be referenced as needed by the dynamic configuration. They are at the following paths:
- vault_agent: Parameters for the optional vault agent that will be used to manage the dynamic secrets in the vm.
- enabled: If set to true, a vault agent service will be setup and will run in the vm.
- auth_method: Auth method the vault agent will use to authenticate with vault. Currently, only approle is supported.
- config: Configuration parameters for the auth method.
- role_id: Id of the app role to us.
- secret_id: Authentication secret to use the app role.
- config: Configuration parameters for the auth method.
- vault_address: Endpoint to use to talk to vault.
- vault_ca_cert: CA certificate to use to validate vault's certificate.
- install_dependencies: Whether cloud-init should install external dependencies (should be set to false if you already provide an image with the external dependencies built-in).