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enibigir authored Jan 10, 2025
2 parents 3fcfc7e + 6deb239 commit c311cc2
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Showing 7 changed files with 113 additions and 118 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions _config.yml
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Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
carpentry: "swc"

# Overall title for pages.
title: "CMS DAS 2024 Tracking and Vertexing Short Exercise"
title: "CMS DAS 2025 Tracking and Vertexing Short Exercise"

# Life cycle stage of the lesson
# See this page for more details:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ kind: "lesson"
repository: <USERNAME>/<PROJECT>

# Email address, no mailto:
email: ""
email: ""

# Sites.
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94 changes: 46 additions & 48 deletions _episodes/01-The five basic track
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,26 +39,26 @@ The exact definitions are given in the `reco::TrackBase` [header file](https://g

## Accessing track variables

Create `` (for example `emacs -nw`, or use your favorite text editor) in `TrackingShortExercize/`, then copy-paste the following code and run it (`python`). Please note, if your `run321457_ZeroBias_AOD.root` is not in the directory you're working from, be sure to use the appropriate path in `line 2`.
Create `` (for example `emacs -nw`, or use your favorite text editor) in `TrackingShortExercize/`, then copy-paste the following code and run it (`python3`). Please note, if your `run321457_ZeroBias_AOD.root` is not in the directory you're working from, be sure to use the appropriate path in `line 2`.
import DataFormats.FWLite as fwlite
events = fwlite.Events("root://")
events = fwlite.Events("root://")
tracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
for i, event in enumerate(events):
if i >= 5: break # print info only about the first 5 events
print "Event", i
print( "Event", i)
event.getByLabel("generalTracks", tracks)
numTotal = tracks.product().size()
print "total tracks: ", numTotal
print( "total tracks: ", numTotal)
for j, track in enumerate(tracks.product()):
if j >= 5: break # print info only about the first 5 tracks
print " Track", j,
print "\t charge/pT: %.3f" %(track.charge()/,
print "\t phi: %.3f" %track.phi(),
print "\t eta: %.3f" %track.eta(),
print "\t dxy: %.4f" %track.dxy(),
print "\t dz: %.4f"
print( " Track", j, end = " ")
print( "\t charge/pT: %.3f" %(track.charge()/, end = " ")
print( "\t phi: %.3f" %track.phi(), end = " ")
print( "\t eta: %.3f" %track.eta(), end = " ")
print( "\t dxy: %.4f" %track.dxy(), end = " ")
print( "\t dz: %.4f"
{: .language-python}
to print all tracks comment out the line: `if j >= 5: break` as `# if j >= 5: break`
Expand All @@ -79,19 +79,17 @@ The first three lines load the `FWLite` framework, the `.root` data file, and pr
> > ### output of the tree command
> > ~~~output
> > PrintOutTracks
> > |-- plugins
> > PrintOutTracks/
> > |-- plugins/
> > | |-- BuildFile.xml
> > | `--
> > |-- python
> > | |--
> > | `-- __init__.pyc
> > `-- test
> > |-- BuildFile.xml
> > |--
> > `--
> > |--
> > `-- BuildFile.xml
> >
> > 3 directories, 7 files
> > Total: 3 directories, 5 files
> > ~~~
> {: .solution2}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,7 +164,7 @@ The first three lines load the `FWLite` framework, the `.root` data file, and pr
> process = cms.Process("RUN")
> process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
> fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("root://"))
> fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring("root://"))
> process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input = cms.untracked.int32(5))
> process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
Expand All @@ -187,8 +185,8 @@ The first three lines load the `FWLite` framework, the `.root` data file, and pr
> This will produce the same output as the Python script, but it can be used on huge datasets. Though the language is different, notice that C++ and `FWLite` use the same names for member functions: `charge()`, `pt()`, `phi()`, `eta()`, `dxy()`, and `dz()`.
> That is intentional: you can learn what kinds of data are available with interactive `FWLite ` and then use the same access methods when writing GRID jobs. There is another way to access `FWLite` with ROOT's C++-like syntax.
> The plugin is here: `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2024/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/MyDirectory/PrintOutTracks/plugins/`
> The `` is here: `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2024/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/MyDirectory/PrintOutTracks/test/`
> The plugin is here: `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2025/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/MyDirectory/PrintOutTracks/plugins/`
> The `` is here: `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2025/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/MyDirectory/PrintOutTracks/test/`
{: .solution}
## Track quality variables
Expand All @@ -213,7 +211,7 @@ Create a new `` (with a unique name like ``) file with the fo
Add a `Handle` to the MVA values:
import DataFormats.FWLite as fwlite
events = fwlite.Events("root://")
events = fwlite.Events("root://")
tracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
MVAs = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<float>")
Expand All @@ -222,7 +220,7 @@ The event loop should be updated to this:
for i, event in enumerate(events):
if i >= 5: break # only the first 5 events
print "Event", i
print( "Event", i)
event.getByLabel("generalTracks", tracks)
event.getByLabel("generalTracks", "MVAValues", MVAs)

Expand All @@ -238,21 +236,21 @@ for i, event in enumerate(events):
if track.quality(track.qualityByName("highPurity")): numHighPurity += 1

if j<50 or 55<j: continue
print " Track", j,
print "\t charge/pT: %.3f" %(track.charge()/,
print "\t phi: %.3f" %track.phi(),
print "\t eta: %.3f" %track.eta(),
print "\t dxy: %.4f" %track.dxy(),
print "\t dz: %.4f",
print "\t nHits: %s" %track.numberOfValidHits(), "(%s P+ %s S)"%(track.hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits(),track.hitPattern().numberOfValidStripHits()),
print "\t algo: %s" %track.algoName(),
print "\t mva: %.3f" %mva
print( " Track", j, end = " ")
print( "\t charge/pT: %.3f" %(track.charge()/, end = " ")
print( "\t phi: %.3f" %track.phi(), end = " ")
print( "\t eta: %.3f" %track.eta(), end = " ")
print( "\t dxy: %.4f" %track.dxy(), end = " ")
print( "\t dz: %.4f", end = " ")
print( "\t nHits: %s" %track.numberOfValidHits(), "(%s P+ %s S)"%(track.hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits(),track.hitPattern().numberOfValidStripHits()), end = " ")
print( "\t algo: %s" %track.algoName(), end = " ")
print( "\t mva: %.3f" %mva)

print "Event", i,
print "numTotal:", numTotal,
print "numLoose:", numLoose, "(%.1f %%)"%(float(numLoose)/numTotal*100),
print "numTight:", numTight, "(%.1f %%)"%(float(numTight)/numTotal*100),
print "numHighPurity:", numHighPurity, "(%.1f %%)"%(float(numHighPurity)/numTotal*100)
print( "Event", i, end = " ")
print( "numTotal:", numTotal, end = " ")
print( "numLoose:", numLoose, "(%.1f %%)"%(float(numLoose)/numTotal*100), end = " ")
print( "numTight:", numTight, "(%.1f %%)"%(float(numTight)/numTotal*100), end = " ")
print( "numHighPurity:", numHighPurity, "(%.1f %%)"%(float(numHighPurity)/numTotal*100))

print("total events: ", dir(events))
print("total events: ", type(events))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,8 +328,8 @@ The C++-equivalent is hidden below.
> cmsRun
> ~~~
> {: .language-python}
> The `plugin` can be found in `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2024/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/`
> The `CMSSW config` file can be found in `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2024/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/`
> The `plugin` can be found in `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2025/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/`
> The `CMSSW config` file can be found in `/eos/uscms/store/user/cmsdas/2025/short_exercises/trackingvertexing/`
{: .solution}
> ## Question 1
> Now prepare plots for the track variables discussed above, as in the example below (name this file `` and put it in `TrackingShortExercize/`). Compare the **distributions of track-quality-related variables** (number of pixel hits, track goodness of fit, ..., which are given in input to MVA classifiers) between tracks passing the `highPurity` and `Loose` quality flags. **Do these distributions make sense to you?**
Expand All @@ -343,7 +341,7 @@ The C++-equivalent is hidden below.
> from ROOT import gROOT
> import os
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> tracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
> hist_pt = ROOT.TH1F("pt", "track pt; p_{T} [GeV]", 100, 0.0, 100.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -470,10 +468,10 @@ The C++-equivalent is hidden below.
> >
> > The following examples may help guide you to the right command (replace items surrounded by `< >`):
> > ~~~bash
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><absolute-path-to-cmslpc-directory>" ./
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><absolute-path-to-cmslpc-directory>" ./
> > scp -rp "<cmslpc-ssh-hostname>:<absolute-path-to-cmslpc-directory>" ./
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><first-letter-of-lpc-username>/<lpc-username>/nobackup/CMSSW_10_6_30_patch1_cmsdas/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > scp -rp "$${USER:0:1}/${USER}/nobackup/CMSSW_10_6_30_patch1_cmsdas/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><first-letter-of-lpc-username>/<lpc-username>/nobackup/CMSSW_10_6_30_patch1_cmsdas/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > scp -rp "$${USER:0:1}/${USER}/nobackup/CMSSW_10_6_30_patch1_cmsdas/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > ~~~
> >
> > When you have time `rsync` is worth learning about.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,7 +517,7 @@ Consider that the `packedPFCandidates` collects both **charged** and **neutral c
> ## Question 2
> Write a simple script `` that reads a MiniAOD file and the [AOD]( file and compare plots of the same variables we looked at before for `HighPurity` tracks. For the track p<sub>T</sub> distributuon, focus on the low p<sub>T</sub> region below 5 [GeV]( **Can you see any (non-statistical) difference with the previosu plots?** The MiniAOD file is located here:
> > ~~~
> root://
> root://
> ~~~
> {: .language-bash}
{: .challenge}
Expand All @@ -530,8 +528,8 @@ Consider that the `packedPFCandidates` collects both **charged** and **neutral c
> import os
> ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True) # this allows pyroot to run in batch mode - which prevents the histograms from being displayed every time they are drawn.
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> eventsAOD = fwlite.Events("root://")
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> eventsAOD = fwlite.Events("root://")
> tracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate>")
> losttracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<pat::PackedCandidate>")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,10 +688,10 @@ Consider that the `packedPFCandidates` collects both **charged** and **neutral c
> >
> > The following examples may help guide you to the right command (replace items surrounded by `< >`):
> > ~~~bash
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><absolute-path-to-cmslpc-directory>" ./
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><absolute-path-to-cmslpc-directory>" ./
> > scp -rp "<cmslpc-ssh-hostname>:<absolute-path-to-cmslpc-directory>" ./
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><first-letter-of-lpc-username>/<lpc-username>/nobackup/CMSSW_10_6_30_patch1_cmsdas/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > scp -rp "$${USER:0:1}/${USER}/nobackup/CMSSW_10_6_30_patch1_cmsdas/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > scp -rp "<lpc-username><first-letter-of-lpc-username>/<lpc-username>/nobackup/CMSSW_14_0_19/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > scp -rp "$${USER:0:1}/${USER}/nobackup/CMSSW_14_0_19/src/TrackingShortExercize/plots/highP" ./
> > ~~~
> >
> > When you have time `rsync` is worth learning about.
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions _episodes/02-Tracks as
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ import DataFormats.FWLite as fwlite
import ROOT
import math
events = fwlite.Events("root://")
events = fwlite.Events("root://")
tracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
for i, event in enumerate(events):
event.getByLabel("generalTracks", tracks)
for track in tracks.product():
print, track.p(), track.px(),, track.pz()
print(, track.p(), track.px(),, track.pz())
if i > 20: break
{: .language-python}
Expand All @@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ Now we can investigate the kinematics of the tracks in our file. Assuming that t
> import ROOT
> import math
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> tracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
> for i, event in enumerate(events):
> event.getByLabel("generalTracks", tracks)
> for track in tracks.product():
> print, track.p(), track.px(),, track.pz()
> print "energy: ", math.sqrt(0.140**2 + track.p()**2)
> print(, track.p(), track.px(),, track.pz())
> print( "energy: ", math.sqrt(0.140**2 + track.p()**2))
> if i > 20: break
> ~~~
> {: .language-python}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,15 +81,15 @@ Normally, one would access muons through the `reco::Muon` object since this cont
for i, event in enumerate(events):
if i >= 15: break # only the first 15 events
print "Event", i
print( "Event", i)
event.getByLabel("globalMuons", tracks)
for j, track in enumerate(tracks.product()):
print " Track", j, track.charge()/, track.phi(), track.eta(), track.dxy(),
print( " Track", j, track.charge()/, track.phi(), track.eta(), track.dxy(),
{: .language-python}
Run this code on the `run321167_Charmonium_AOD.root` file found here:
{: .language-bash}
Notice how few muon tracks there are compared to the same code executed for `generalTracks`. In fact, you only see as many muons as you do because this data sample was collected with a muon trigger. (The muon definition in the trigger is looser than the `globalMuons` algorithm, which is why there are some events with fewer than two `globalMuons`.)
Expand All @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ See in the `Appendix` an application for the Muon and Tracks objects usage in th
> import os
> ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True)
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> events = fwlite.Events("root://")
> tracks = fwlite.Handle("std::vector<reco::Track>")
> mass_histogram = ROOT.TH1F("mass", "mass", 100, 0.0, 5.0)
Expand Down

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