This provides a Docker image to explore Shakenet data (
The only dependency is Docker.
On a Mac you can type in a terminal:
brew cask install docker
Or follow instructions for your computer :
To pull the docker image from the cloud, run:
docker pull fredmassin/seiscomp-for-shakenet:latest
docker run -d --name seiscomp.shakenet -p 9876:22 -p 5907:5907 fredmassin/seiscomp-for-shakenet:latest
To generate the docker image using the Dockerfile, run:
git clone
docker build -f SeisComP-for-Shakenet/Dockerfile -t seiscomp.shakenet:latest SeisComP-for-Shakenet/
docker run -d --name seiscomp.shakenet -p 9876:22 -p 5907:5907 seiscomp.shakenet:latest
You can connect via vnc with:
docker exec -u 0 -it seiscomp.shakenet service vncserver start
open vnc://sysop:sysop@localhost:5907
or with ssh (no password):
ssh -p 9876 sysop@localhost
You can they follow normal SeisComP usage (