IMPORTANT: Main Modules are Under /src folder
Outputs a cone-derived waverider from given basic flowfield information and user-defined trailing edge. Main modules including solving Taylor-Maccoll equation and streamline tracing to form the lower surface
User can specify their UDF (User Defined Function) for the TE (Trailing Edge).
The program gives a visualization of:
- Diagram of the base cone, conical shock and user-defined trailing edge at the base plane.
- 3D wireframe of the resulting cone-derived waverider
The program gives outputs of .txt files for modelling in CAD software, enable this function in the output module of
Theory Guide and User Menu will be uploaded shortly under /doc folder
Left: Output Wireframe View of Calculated Waverider from Python Programme; Right: View in Solidworks After Importing the Output Curves from this Programme
Computational Results From ANSYS Fluent:
Ma = 8.0, Altitude = 25km, Viscous Flowfield
Figure 1&2: Pressure Contour Lines
Figure 2&3: Pressure Contour at the Symmetry and the Base Plane
High pressure zone is firmly constrained at the lower surface
NOTE: There exists negative pressure due to the reference value given to Fluent is below the operating (absolute) pressure. This does not affect the solution for the fields, but only affects the numerical values displayed at post-processing (all pressure values in the field are reduced by a same amount). This minor issue will be fixed when I have time to do a re-computation :)